Recent content by DarkPrincess

  1. DarkPrincess

    Commitment List for Noble - October 15th 2011

    The DVDs are going to be mailed out this week. I've been getting email inquiries in regards to people having already received their copy. My folks and Jimmy Martin are the only people that have a copy, due to them being delivered by hand as a Christmas gift. I'll be sending out the first...
  2. DarkPrincess

    Has anybody got their buick Vs. ford @ noble dvd?

    It is finished The dvd is freshly finished and packaged. If you've meant to have it as a gift for Christmas, and live in the OKC metro, shoot me an email at darkprincess at gmail dot com, and I'll do my best to get it to you tomorrow. The others will be sent out early next week. Cheers! Susan
  3. DarkPrincess

    Commitment List for Noble - October 15th 2011

    Fin The DVD is done and I delivered one for Christmas by hand tonight. If you live in the OKC metro area and want it before Christmas, let me know, and I'll try to get it to you somehow. The rest will be mailing out next week. email me at darkprincess at gmail dot com
  4. DarkPrincess

    Commitment List for Noble - October 15th 2011

    The video Howdy, Thank you, Phil, for the post! Phil has called to my attention a typo regarding the price of the DVD. It's actually $30 shipped. I'm also open to trade and negotiations. Tonight I'll be up, trying to finish and get it shipped out tomorrow in time for Christmas delivery...