Recent content by jamesgs4

  1. J

    Car broken into.

    how is your friend even liable if his car was stolen? makes no sense. if that is the case you should steal the farmers tractor, and drive it through your house a few times, and over your car, then he will have to pay for your house and car too!
  2. J

    Raw gas coming out of driver's side exhaust pipe?

    an old timers trick would be to rub over the hole with a bar of soap. the "cheese grating" action would plug up the hole.
  3. J

    Does anyone know anything about early to mid 60s buicks? - Buick V-8 Performance and Restoration Web Site!!!
  4. J

    cell phone question

    i dont think they get too technical on warranty returns. they ususlly just check the water sensitive sticker. then they ship them out to a refurbisher. so id keep the new phone.
  5. J

    Have which state your in mandatory

    cmon guys this is the internet, when i get my TR you can be damn sure i am not going to even hint where it is parked at night. now if i am using the classifieds, i will gladly give a shipping address, but i will not put my location out there for everyone(good or bad people) to see.
  6. J

    Does anyone have a certain car the regret selling? post pics/stories.

    7 years ago i sold my 70 mustang fastback to a teenage kid for 150 bucks. at the time i was too busy to work on it and i had nowhere to store it.(and my now ex gf hated it) man i still kick myself for that one.
  7. J

    Advice on Daily Driver Choice

    the pontiac vibe is actually built by toyota(matrix). so if you can deal with its looks, you will get a pretty decent and reliable car. if i was looking in your price range, i would buy a 98-99 lexus gs300/400. the 300 gets 28 mpg, and the 400 gets 24mpg. plus the 400 runs a 14.3 bone stock in...
  8. J

    Ran a Mustang Shelby, GT 500.

    was his last name Reynolds? hmmmmmm...
  9. J

    if this doesn't touch're heartless

    oh btw ive been hearing this urban legend since high school...same story told over and over by chicks, to make them go "awwww how sad", "thats soooo sweet" blah blah whatever
  10. J

    if this doesn't touch're heartless

    haha if a chick ever says to drop her off when shes mad at me.....i will stop, even on the highway or the middle of nowhere and kick the *beep* out of my ride so fast i may not even come to a complete stop. i dont play that game.
  11. J

    if this doesn't touch're heartless

    hahahahaha i am so heartless:cool:
  12. J

    Car painting Hep

    for my very first gun i got a grav feed hvlp sharpe sgf98 off of ebay years ago for about 200 bucks new. it still works great still too. you just have to clean them every time you are finished, and they will last. you can still find a decent gun for pretty cheap there too. stay away from those...
  13. J

    anyone else suffer from this compulsion?(kinda long read)

    once again it happens!!! i am going to pick up a 54 bel-air tomorrow that i found on c.l of course haha
  14. J

    Wifes mad

    that is hilarious, i have to try that one! (after i get a wife, of course)lol
  15. J

    anyone else suffer from this compulsion?(kinda long read)

    ok kinda long story here goes. it all started when i saved up a little dough, and wanted to buy a car to replace my very beat up 88 caprice classic wagon(i know, but its all i had). my best friend(or enabler) showed me an ad on craigslist...whats craigslist?? cool!!a 71 camaro in my price...