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  1. J

    anyone else suffer from this compulsion?(kinda long read)

    ok kinda long story here goes. it all started when i saved up a little dough, and wanted to buy a car to replace my very beat up 88 caprice classic wagon(i know, but its all i had). my best friend(or enabler) showed me an ad on craigslist...whats craigslist?? cool!!a 71 camaro in my price...
  2. J

    anyone have some oooold school advice?

    so i picked up a 52 chevy 3/4 ton flatbed pickup to use as a stuff hauler, and the kingpins are shot. anyone ever do a kingpin replacement before? the parts should be here in a few days, but ive already started pulling them apart. rust seems to be a super bonding agent holding these parts...
  3. J

    is it an age thing or what?

    this is the bike im buying this summer(see attached pic)mine will be denim(flat)black. all of the old timers that ride at work hate it? is it because of the new tech they are afraid of it? or is it the styling? i love the way it looks, and i couldnt care less if it is water or air cooled. it is...
  4. J

    tr values? im confused

    ok so i havent bought a tr yet but im wondering. why are the kelly blue book values so far off the prices on tr's ive seen around here? are t-types really pulling 10k+? i would love a gn but i dont have a garage, so i was looking for a t-type to debadge and park on the street in front of my...