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  1. C

    More Stupid Democrat Criticisms interesting stuff.
  2. C

    More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

    It seems like more people are starting to agree with Brian's take on things it's starting to appear like most of us were wrong! Carl Ciaffone
  3. C

    the corvette guys are talking about us

    Kevins... I remember that article by Tony Defeo it's the reason I bought the G.N. I wanted the fastest car I could afford and had to make a choice, Mustang, Camero, or Buick that article made the choice easy. Carl Ciaffone
  4. C

    Favorite Muscle Car......

    In my case it would be a 1966 tri- power Olds 442 I bought one that was 1 year old and had only 4,000 miles, it was my first car. Carl Ciaffone
  5. C

    Left Wing Propoganda

    Hey red regal don't mix words tell us what you really think.
  6. C

    Disarmanent Underway!

    He's hiding in FRANCE.
  7. C

    Stand Up for America Rally Speech

    Fraid your wrong on this one plenty of actors served in WW2 James Stewart and Clark Gable come to mind and there's a lot more.There are a few that didn't serve that also come to mind Ronald Regan, John Wayne, C. Heston all actors I greatly admire. Carl Ciaffone
  8. C

    Want to know who took your social security. Look here, read this, then next time you

    It was not the house of representatives that said no new taxes and like CPAKCP said he did not veto it but thats old news. CC:)
  9. C

    Want to know who took your social security. Look here, read this, then next time you

    THE SECOND ONE IS TRUE. Bruce, You will find more then a few republican names on those bills also cause they would not have passed with out them.Remember George Bush saying NO NEW TAXES YET HE RAISED THEM ANYWAY.the repub. get the same perks as the dems. do yet you don't see them giving them...
  10. C

    What temps do your cars run with a front mount.

    With new HD 3 core 185-190 in traffic A/C on, a good purchase. Carl Ciaffone
  11. C

    Remote filter?

    Hi Bruce: No we never met I just found out your in Sac about 3 weeks ago while researching convertors,but I hope to meet soon when I buy one of your xtreme convertors.Your only 10 min.from my house now thats a break.Do you know Marlin Carl? he built my motor and does a lot of T.Buicks here in...
  12. C

    Remote filter?

    I have used one for 5 years it's similar to the one Bruce offers and worth the money.I've had no problems to this date. Carl Ciaffone