'04 911 turbo eats T-type dust


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
funny how as I visit the board to post this I notice a thread below about the same car. Well, I avenged your loss.

I was cruising up the I5 when i notice this nice porsche coming up on me, instead of just cruising past he slows down next to me. I looked over and I saw the guys buddy start to open the window and I knew it was on.

We didnt have much space before traffic but I got on it and pulled but it was only for a split second. I slowed down again and this guy was matching my speed, so we slowed down quite a bit, probably down to 55 mph and allowed for some room between us and the traffic further ahead. I looked over and figured he would go at any second so I rolled into it as did he and when the boost hit I started pulling on him. I could hear his exhaust screaming at a bajillion rpm but he was falling back and by the time I slowed down again he was about a car and a half back. This was only for a few seconds.
I was expecting him to pull next to me and exchange thumbs up and what have you but I think richie rich got embarassed and decided to just cruise by with the windows (tinted) up.

I suppose I would be embarassed too if a half primered old buick just outran my 100,000 dollar car.

btw this was on 110 and 28 lbs of boost :cool:
Sweet! I pulled on one too, and his motor sounded like it was going to wind itself to death! I run 110 too, what kind of chip and timing do you run to get 28 psi?
If a Porsche 911 driver bothered to pick a fight with a primered boxy '80's-mobile than he must know a little something about what kinda car you have there Pablo.;)
Im also very impressed with your Camaro's time...thats a strong 305. Any tricks there?