'06 ZO6 can't hang

Not Avg 6

Active Member
Nov 17, 2002
While playing hooky from work today, I decided to take the GN for a ride. After riding over an hour in 90 degree weather I decided to come on in. A couple of blocks before the house, I see a 06 Z06 pull out from the strip mall. I can't pass this up, although it's hot as hell. After picking with him in congested traffic and him and his buddy talking about my 20 yr. car and me, we come to a stop sign together. We both pull away gradually while steadily putting more horse power to the pavement, we at about 60 we nail it. GN pulls 2 cars on him shifting and he can't get back. Just as I get out of it after the 1/4, I see him charging. I was'nt going to let the ZO6's 200 mph top end chase me down. ;)
Nice! I think because it's a Vette I feel that its performance (straight line, of course) is the new minimum bar for me personally. I have a ways to go before I get there but I do plan to get there. Probably just in time for the Blue Devil to come out and dash my hopes and dreams.

Thats a nice notch in the belt!! Good kill, you should skip outa work more often.:biggrin:
Thanks, guys. The ZO6 is muscle car that I really admire and a car that I really wanted to race. I don't know if anything was done to that car, but stock 1/4 mph is mid 120's. I felt great after the race. Alkycontrol and 25 psi showed him my tail lights. :D
I tried to race one, and the guy wouldn't even look at me. Because of traffic I got stuck behind him at a red light, so when we took off at about 15mph he got on it and so did I.... I saw him look in his mirror at about 90 mph, and I was about a car length behind him. His double and triple take were priceless. I was happy that I was even close, and he was surprised that an old school pos trans am was even close.