18.5 kr?


GN Novice.
Jul 29, 2002
I just recieved my scanmaster 2.1

I have a question. I ran at WOT through 1st and part of 2nd gear, hit the recall button, and it read 816 Mv and 18.5 KR! Needless to say, when I read 18.5 kr I almost dirtied my seat! Sorta scared me, but i was later told it's almost impossible to get that high of "TRUE" KR at 15# of boost. (Stock wastegate actuator, stock chip, stock fuel pressure regulator.) Is it common to get false knock at the 1-2 shift? If so, wut good is the memory on this thing if it only remembers the spikes in your kr??

I was busy watchin the road so I have no idea how long it was at 18.5 kr. A buddy explained that while i should watch for steady kr in any gear; 3rd is the most dangerous. This make sense to you guys? He claimed the chances of me blowing it up in 1st or 2nd were slim.

TIA fer yer help!
Were the O2 and KR values at the time? How does the car feel? You are probrably getting false kock from somewhere. Do a search there is a ton of infor here.