57# High Impedence Injectors......


New Member
Sep 5, 2002
Anybody grab up a set of these yet? Just kinda curious if anyone has any experience with the injectors that Racetronix is selling.

I would think that a chip for 55lbs injectors would be a good candidate... As they are only 4.6% different. That is within the tolerances of many programs...
Originally posted by J-Rod
I would think that a chip for 55lbs injectors would be a good candidate... As they are only 4.6% different. That is within the tolerances of many programs...

Both the 3102 and 3172 are 57lb/hr with gas. Where does the 4.6% come from?

Jack :cool:
I think these would be an interesting alternative to the 50# injectors. I just purchased the 50# injectors from Racetronix, but wish I would have known about the 57#ers....would be interesting to test them out.....also, would be a better alternative for a high 10 sec. car.

If you are running someone elses 55lb injector a switch to a 57 should only be about 4.6% different and should be within the parameters of the chips programing.
I just bought a set, gonna try em with a regular ME on a customers car. I'll post how it works in a couple weeks.
Originally posted by J-Rod
If you are running someone elses 55lb injector a switch to a 57 should only be about 4.6% different and should be within the parameters of the chips programing.

I think you are missing the point here.
A Siemens 55 flows 57lb/hr with gas. The 55 designation is the injector's flow rating with test solvent (Heptane) as it is lighter than gas. In other words there is no difference between the '3102' and the '3172' other than the coil impedance.

Assuming you were not in error I still don't see how you came up with 4.6%?

2/55=0.036 = 3.6%

Jack :cool:
My mistake. I ASSUMED (theres my mistake) that all things were equal and that you were looking at 55 vs 57 all things being equal. Since they are the same injector with different coils I am most obviously wrong.

But, one point I would like make is that from my understanding as long as you stay within 5-10% of your current injector value, your program should be able to hadle a small bump in injector size with no issues. That was my point. So, if you went from an actual 55 to an actual 57lbs rated on the same scale your chip should be fine...