Does anyone know about Golf carts


Self-tuning wanna-be
Apr 14, 2012
This is just a comment. They have some heavy ass batteries. I thought they would be the same as a car battery but was sorely mistaken. I have a 36 volt and they sit in a little tray. What a pain in the ass to get them in and out…justcsayinnnn
So I have one, and agree that the batteries are redic. So a pal of mine did a lithium conversion. One big battery, not nearly as heavy as the bank of others, and puts out more power & for longer. It was pretty simple to swap, and now his set up goes & goes with a way lower power usage. I will do that when my current bank of batteries are ready.
tough guy here. I don’t give a damn, they are heavy
its gonna be ok buddy :p the heavier the better as far as old style batteries ...more lead ....trojan batteries are the best ....the new lithium ones are the way to go ...the old style have to be serviced ever six months...we have an entire fleet of GC ....older style elec carts are troublesome ....
I have had an EZGO for years. Four 12 volt Trojan batteries. I get about 5 years out of them. If not used often, you must charge them up and try to keep it inside especially in the winter. Cart needs to be charged once a month if not using much, you do not want to let them die. When filling them with water which should be done periodically based on amount it is used, do NOT overfill the slots for the water because when you go to charge it up they will bubble over leaving a nice mess and eating anything the acid touches. You may want to have a bright light to help fill them if lighting is poor in the area. Good Luck !
Me & my hs buddies in 1991 broke into maple gate country club in Bellingham ma with pockets full of warm beers the night before their grand opening, hotwired 8 of them, played demolishing derby on the greens, got bagged, has to use tech. college scholarship money to pay restitution. That's my golf cart $.02