

Well Cal....

I hope you found that big boy generator looks like it might come in handy.

I hope everyone else comes through this one in one intact. I get a little nervous, too many bases to cover and I keep getting visions of that Lord Of The Fly's book.

Thanks Mike. We are putting a permanent generator in the new house we are building. For now, I'm going to use my 5000 watt track generator. If things get too bad, we'll just sleep in the motorhome. Good Luck, it looks like it may be hitting pretty close to you.
You know, once this thing is on it's way out, I may drag the Chevelle to the track and take advantage of the killer tail wind ;)
Well, it's hot bath's again!!!

Got the phones and cable both back today as well.
I saw some guy's from FPL around the neighborhood along with some out-of-town worker's. The FPL worker's wouldn't climb the poles around my shop, they said they were unsafe. The guy's from out-of-town got the job done, and told me as well as the FPL guy's that the poles need to be replaced, the expected life of them was 15 years. I saw the tag on my pole dated 1978, I was told that some of the ones they have seen dated back to the mid 1960's...:confused:

I think they just last longer down here in the Sunshine State.

I hope everyone is safe, and is still able to smile.
