"Heavy Duty" wastegate actuator- How to tell?


2 boys now, need more GNs
May 28, 2001
I'm troubleshooting a little spool-up problem and I'm just curious if I have an HD actuator (versus "stock") ? I purchased it from Kirban in the mid-90's.


Mike [:)
Probably not HD. Don't think Kirban even carried then then?

Unless you bought it with a 63 or larger turbo doubt that it would be more than regular. The HD unit will normally want 18 PSI or more and will not work well at lower boost.

you can lengthen the rod until it has about a tenth of inch of tension on it and reconnect it. Then pull the hose off the solenoid if you are using it and plug it so boost cannot escape.

Then, when you go wot, you should get a boost that is representative of the spring pressure in the actuator....say 12# for a stock one or 17-18# for a hd version.
Thanks Steve, that scenario just clicked and I deleted my first reply to you.

Is there another way to do this, like with a pressure pump/boost gauge input to the wastegate arm and see when it "releases"?

Mike [:)
Thanks to all who answered. Based on the number and boost test, it's a regular one.

Mike [:)