Help for a Friend ->


- driving everywhere -
May 25, 2001
A close friend of mine who owns a '86 T-Type sent me these questions about alky, wondered if anyone could help ...


From: "Wieczorek, Leon" <>

I need your opinion on something. I'm debating over four options having to do with auxiliary fueling for my car.

1. Add alcohol injection

2. Add alcohol injection with fogger 2 nozzle that mixes with gasoline at the nozzle.

3. Forgetting about the alcohol and just adding a seventh and possibly eighth injector in a two stage type arrangement

4. Another option for the seventh injector would be to use an NOS fuel solenoid with a NOS nozzle that can be adjusted with jets ( although this is much more adjustable than just adding a seventh or eight injector it would cost significantly more.

Option 2 is the most expensive followed by 1, 4 and then 3.


1. Do you think that adding more fuel is equivalent to adding alcohol injection or does alcohol injection have it's own unique benefits?

I'm under the impression that they are both to prevent detonation although I think the cooling effects of alcohol and water might be the distinguishing difference.

2. Considering cost, benefit and overall effectiveness which route do you think would be the best? Note: an alcohol injection setup would require the aquisition of a holding tank and high psi pump. Adding injectors would require neither, only the purchase of a pressure switch and injectors would be necessary.

I'll take a stab at this. I'm by no means an expert in alky injection so please keep that in mind.

The main purpose of alky injection is the benefit of running high boost on pump gas (93 octane) using the alky/water as detonation suppresent(sp). The cost is mimimal compared to running race fuel to achieve the same results over time.

Your friend can buy a kit that already has all of the components (ie, high psi pump, tank etc.). Basically plug and play, sort of.

As far as question 1, he pretty much answered it himself. Just adding more fuel does not protect from detonation, it's the octane the fuel has. Pump gas alone will not allow high boost like race fuel will. But pump gas with the alcohol can.

The SMC Enterprises kit seems to be the most popular kit, which is the one that I have on the way. A group purchase just ended on 11/30 for 15% off the normal price. The regular price is $369, I think. And that's cheap compared to buying race fuel. For instance, I've bought 20 gallons of race fuel(C-16) at almost $9 per gallon over the last 4 months totaling almost $200. Then add in the o2 sensors that the race fuel has killed, and between the fuel and o2's, my kit would have been paid for.

I would tell your friend to get the alky kit. I think it would serve him best. Sorry so long, but my fingers are long-winded.

Very good points, Donnie. The only way the extra fuel injectors will help now is if he's leaning out, i.e. too small an injector size. poor chip programming. You still need plenty of fuel going into the motor via the injectors with the alky, but you can lean it out some. The alky is a "replacement" for octane, not a "replacement" for fuel. If he is trying to get rid of "low boost" knock, then he may indeed need the extra fuel, but if he's looking to crank up the boost, alky is the way to go!

Get the SMC kit! It is the only way to go! I've got do-it-yourself kits, but when all is said and done, I'd go with the SMC next time! Heck, I ended up switching to Steve's nozzles and control boxes anyway! Might as well plug-n-play and be done with it!