I needed help again (it is hard to find good help these days)

Only if she's blonde,Has a flat head.no teeth, big ears & republican!

We only have NDP, PC or far right here, Lib real. Or sometimes the Rhino party.:rolleyes: Your just gonna have to do her and Love her, don't worry about her political exploitations,,,it don't matter. I promise you tho you won't HURT THE MOOSE!! No pun or harm to animals intended. Ha

Psiedv6... PICs PLEAZZZ. Funny! Who's your webrunner? need my Help.? Come on.. Lou's getting mean to animals, for petes sake.:p :p :biggrin: :biggrin: :confused:
Lou, your not helping here!!! I;m tyoing in the dark. forgive me... Where the hell is th z never mind gound it:eek: :confused: :confused: :( :( :( :( :( :(
Nice pictures good luck. We should hire her to take pictures for a day,too make a calender we can all meet for pictures and pizza in dana point close to nice beaches and parks? I will put up some of the money come on guy watcha think???????? YES NO MAYBE???? let me know I will be back from vacation soon also FREE PIZZA
good idea!

make our own calendar, Roberts wife can be credited for it,
I'd chip in for that!
oh thats not fair I 'm in Canada..what a bummer:frown: :frown:

Wait I wont feel as bad if its guys and there Buick's. It will KILL me if its Babes and Buicks..lol
Nice pictures good luck. We should hire her to take pictures for a day,too make a calender we can all meet for pictures and pizza in dana point close to nice beaches and parks? I will put up some of the money come on guy watcha think???????? YES NO MAYBE???? let me know I will be back from vacation soon also FREE PIZZA
It would probably be in your best interest to start a new thread about your offer of a new event with dates, times & details so that peeps can find the thread a little easier on the Southwestern Section menu page. Right now, it is only a suggestion, but could become necessary as this thread continues to grow.
what psiedv6 psiedv6 is offline Says goes.

Well so much for a good thread alive! no more Lou, no more sheep, just a bunch
of Buick nuts...oh god what a waste, ya start another thread please keep this ones integrity. Love and thanks .