ID yourself at BG Nats


Aug 6, 2001
Hey, thought it would be a good idea to come up with a common way to ID each other at the NATS.
There's so many of you that I feel I know but, I will have no way of knowing who you actually are in person.

Any ideas?
Maybe a sign on the dash with your TB board nick on it or something...

Please, let's all get together on this...I want to know your ugly faces when I see them!
i will have my shirt on one day and a Turbo Buick Queens Chapter shirt on another.... other than that, i didnt pack yet
Put your handle in the back window or on your car.

Be at Toot's Thursday night.
I am sorry to say that I won't be making it this year, as much as I would like to go and meet everyone again.

Work and family will get in the way this year, plus funds are tight with some unexpected (and undesired) things that came up recently.

So, I hope everyone has a great time! Be safe!