Is my new turbo okay?


Serenity Now
Aug 11, 2002
I just bought a TA-49 brand new and the nut on the impeller on the exhaust side looks like it has a hunk removed from it. Is this for balancing? The turbo also has white paint markings on one blade on each side. What's that on there for?


Must of been the last nut they had laying around. The paint is so you can watch the blade spinning around :D
Balancing. :)
Tarey D.
No, their is no way this nut is coming on or off the way it looks. Do they remove pieces from it when the are balancing the turbo? It's either that or something is damaged..

Thats how they balance the assembly. Its normal. Especially on the exhaust side.
Thanks Louie. I think this car is getting to me. Last night I had a dream I put the turbo on and ran it without the oil lines attached. Talk about a nightmare!!! LOL :p