Dennis Kirban

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
We are still facing a major back log of getting rebuilt powermasters and these delays have wiped out our supply of cores until we get rebuilt ones to our customers and they can get cores to us.

Here are the requirements. If your unit does not meet these requirements we do NOT want the core. if it does we will issue you a letter of credit against our website parts for $125.

You must be able to send us a useable core within 7 days of responding to this request.

I do not want the narrow 1985 powermaster brake reservoir style nor the slanted station wagon version.

It must be complete with correct flat style reservoir, a grey brake switch not busted, brake accumulator bowl, and motor intact to the unit.

Must have proper cap on the reservoir. It can;t look like it has been in a river for 5 years. In other words a complete unit as you would have removed it from the car.

drain the unit prior to shipping.

Remember this helps us help others keep their price & joy stock and on the road and with functioning brakes. Its one thing to go fast quickly....but for many of us its important to be able to stop.

email me direct

We are now starting to get back rebuilt units since Cardone has moved this operation to outside of Dallas, Texas. But as one might guess it now takes 3-4 days each direction to ship the units plus time they need to rebuilt them. Prior to this the rebuilding happened in Philadelphia which was one day UPS each way for us. Another reason we are now getting more business is Cardone has no cores and some auto stores no longer offer the service and others require you to gamble your brake unit in advance.

Our Open House is about 2 weeks out so any of you that are planning to attend bring cores to cash in also. We get our first reproduction upper dash trim panels late next week. At under $200 each its a lot cheaper than buying an original one. This reproduction is 100% dead on exact. The only way you can tell the difference is these are grey to start with and GM was a weird color blue. We will have them in time for our Open House.
At this writing most of our initial order due in has been sold out.

At this time we can use 7 or 8 units.

You MUST email me personally if you can supply us. Once I get pback to you be sure to pack unit with a NOTE FOR CORE CREDIT $125 with your info on the note. Sending by mail is usually cheaper than UPS.
i have several , do you really need to have an accumulator on a unit getting rebuilt?
just asking
i have five complete ,


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