My 84 Gn Is Raggedy But, I Love It!!


Electronics Moderator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2005
my wife had a craving for a subway sandwich tonite (she's eight months preganat with our second girl)and asked for me to give her a ride in the Grand National!!(she knows how to get me away from this computer!)its an project car i bought from ebay this past spring,has an 87 drive train,but has some cancer(im replacing one panel at a time)one day it will be a nice/funner car :cool: i just love how it takes a ordinary day and puts a smile on our faces when that turbo whistles and put us back in the seat.its the worst shape gn ive ever had(im the worst about getting a car perfect and them getting bored and then selling it) but,i dont think ive had more fun with one,with this car im not worried with dings,dents,dust off my dirt road i live still grinnin :D LONG LIVE THE TURBO REGALS AND MY FELLOW BROTHERS...Gary
Yes indeed, my GN always cheers me up. Was just out cruising a few minutes ago as a matter of fact.