no signal from Ecm!



Tried two scantools and still no signal from the ecm. Scanmaster showed 2.1 for a brief moment then went blank (meaning no signal). Turbolink couldn't hook up either. All was gravy until I charged the battery with T-link hooked up. I have a spare ecm but dont want to risk messing that one up. Should I pop in a new computer??? How do I go about dealing with this???
Thanks, Dave
This is what Turbobob wrote on another post. Hope this gives you some kind of information.

I have seen several cases of defective ECM's, The engine runs fine but no data
comes out. What happens is the low speed fan relay or the TCC solenoid shorts out
and kills the quad chip in the ECM. Plug in another ECM and still no data
(because you killed that ECM too....) I have a small pile of ECM's that suffered this fate.