Question regarding TA 9 keyway timing set


No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
Dec 9, 2002
While reading the gbody website on the set I found this:
Some people will refer to the Billet timing sets as being 4 degrees inaccurate. However, it is the stock timing set that is technically inaccurate, stock timing sets had 4 degrees of advance built into them. TA Performance was deeply involved in the development of the Billet, 9 Key Timing Sets. During the development of these sets it was determined to make them true “straight up” keeping with industry standards and giving the most flexibility for degreeing camshafts. So all but the TA Billet 9 Key sets will have 4 degrees built into them.
Does anyone know if that is correct? We are in the process of installing one of these sets and would like to advance it 2* from the stock setting so are we correct to set it on the 6* spot? I didn't see any instructions in the box. We don't have a degree wheel to see for sure. The cam is a Comp Cam 212/212 flat tappet. Are Comp Cams ground straight up or do they have advance already ground into them? If the cam is ground advanced say 2* then we set the gear to the 0* dot? Thanks for any help.
Key way on crank when #1 is at TDC at around 2 oclock so with that said when # 1 is at TDC the key is NOT straight up. Remeber the keyway position....So if you put the crank sprocket on +2 keyway then the corresponding +2 dot tooth will need to be lined up with cam dot due to key way reflecting #1's tdc Same goes for 0 keyway if you use 0 key way then the zero TOOTH dot is going to be counterclockwise slightly. Only Clockwise when retarding.
Cam card will tell you if there is + ground in. The cam maybe ok straight up...What sthe lobe #s and LSA
Yes, the keyway is approximately at the 2 o'clock position and we have the 2a dot lined up with the dot on the cam gear. I don't have the cam card here, it's at the shop. Guess I am just thrown by the statement from gbody that the stock gear was already 4 advanced and it guess it won't matter with a different cam than the stock one.
Get a degree wheel and learn it, know it, live it.

Ever wonder why some engines run better than others? secret revealed, It is ALL in the details.

Read through this thread. Degreeing doesn't change much.
The larger diameter the wheel, the more accurate it could be. I just use a coat hanger as a pointer. Just don't bump and bend it or you get to start over. Make good notes and yours will be RIGHT.

For those with unlimited budget!76017!US!-1

More my price range.

what I have but didn't pay near that much for it.

Bottom line, if you aren't degreeing in the cam in your engine, you just don't know what you have. Good enough at that chinese foundry, machine shop the guy just got off a liquid lunch break, or what ever means you have to check the stuff you install.
We will be degreeing the cam. Got everything we need.