Smog Help


Nov 15, 2006
Hey guys i need some help with a smog does anybody know or hav anything that says that a translator is not smog ILLEGAL? I need to get my car smogged and i have a translator and having no luck getting it smogged or anyone that has a stock maf that i can buy or rent or anything? PLEASE HELP
I know "Cali" is real strict but here in the "Lou" as long as you PASS they wont even open your hood.... its when you FAIL they start knit pickin and even when they pop your hood they have - NO F....n CLUE what the hell they are lookin at
now i have another problem what to do with the breathers on both valve covers? when i plug them oil goes into the engine and burns out the exhaust:confused:
I passed smog with a STREET CHIP, 60#ers, 60-1 [unhooked WG] and hotter plugs, oh yeah... with a Small 2" Cat..... like said they are probably way more strict... i have breathers on both sides and they didnt look because i passed.....
now i have another problem what to do with the breathers on both valve covers? when i plug them oil goes into the engine and burns out the exhaust
The passenger side rocker cover, originally was routed to the inlet of the turbo.

There is an oil-separator/baffle that inserts directly into the rocker cover, then a flex hose into a side port of the turbo inlet.
Likely Online would have the parts, or post in the Parts Wanted subforum, or search in the Parts For Sale subforum.

A piece of plastic tube or pipe inserted into the rocker cover's grommet, plus commodity flex hose, would probably pass visual and would function equivalent to the OEM setup ... but probably pass more oil vapors into the turbo. The OEM oil-baffle device was quite effective. But the home-made setup may be enough to get you thru smog inspect.