steering wheel care for long life


Apr 19, 2002
my steering wheel looks brand new and i want to keep it that way.....what should i do to make sure it does get all beat up?

Keep it gently clean & "fed" with Lexol, or Connally leather creme, and keep it out of the sunlight as much as possible. Do not use any "Armor All"-like product...leather is not vinyl.

Keep in mind leather was once alive and has pores. If you're eating Liberty Fries in your car, the grease on your fingers gets absorbed by the wheel. So does your perspiration. Keep some wet-wipes in the car to get them clean. Napkins leave residue.

Drive as much as you can with the metal spokes.


Keep a small microfiber cloth in the console for cleaning the wheel gently. The gray color used on these wheels is not a very strong dye, and will react to common cleansers. Again, use either of the above products...they're all you need to both gently clean & preserve.

Friction, chemical assault, "cleansers", sunlight, dirty/sweaty hands, use of wrong non-leather care products...these are your steering wheel's worst enemies.

HTH :)