Update on race at LACR April 23


Oct 3, 2001
Hey guys, Im still here and the race is still on I had to unhook my computer system because I was putting in new wood flooring and repainting a few of the rooms in my house so forgive me for not replying to your questions, but YES the race is still on I will be at the track by 8 AM Sat. Remember the gates open at 7:30 AM. Hope to see alot of you Buick people there to support the race and see some fast Turbo cars

Steve Hurst, President BGNRA

Email: hurstbuick@aol.comhurstbuick@aol.com

Web Site: bgnra.org bgnra.org

Hey Fellow Buick Racers,

You may want to jot down this upcoming date which is Saturday, April 23, 2005! Buick Grand National Racing Association is planning a Buick Test and Tune & Brack Race to be held at Los Angeles County Raceway, (LACR), in Palmdale, California. After noticing lots of chatter about very view runs and long lines at various race tracks, The BGNRA decided to Host a Race at one of our favorite Tracks! You can find more details by looking on the Club Website, www.bgnra.org and we are asking for pre-registration for this race. We are now set up to take credit cards for your convenience or you may mail your check to the Club Post Office Box. Bracket Race winners will receive cash prizes and the racer with the closet reaction time to .000 will win a 1987 Buick GNX 1.24 scale model which is valued at $150.00, from GMP Diecast Company!!!