winterizing T-top seals


Lone Wolf
May 24, 2001
Not sure if this thread belongs here or in general tech so mods feel to move as desired :)

When I bought my GN in 2001 the previous owner said he used baby oil on them each winter and took the tops out to keep the seals nice and supple/inflated.

Well, they never leaked any air then and only a little bit now above 75mph.

This is the first year I am taking the tops out as opposed to propping them up still in the car.

Anyone have any suggestions on what to slime the seals with to make them happy? I don't have any baby oil but I do have the usual vinyl/rubber shine products.

Appreciate some suggestions :)


I would just use some Vaseline to keep the rubber soft. I would not recommend any tire shine or stuff that makes rubber glossy as they will deteriorate the rubber faster.
Do you remove the vaseline in the spring so it doesn't get on the glass?

Should I massage it into the rubber? What is the best way to put it on?


Depending on how you read this thread it could go very wrong... ;-)

Ok...after you have rubbed the vaseline into the you put the tops back in or leave them out?

Mine are in the trunk for the winter so the seals have a chance to re-inflate...if they do that..
aerospace 303 spray. Google it.

I don't use petroleum based products like vaseline because they dry out.

If the above users of vaseline are getting good results, I cannot explain why...