wiring question


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
my 81 seems to have alot of splicing and plugs hanging out on the harness. Does any 81 regal harness work on the turbo motor, or is this a special harness??? I want to replace it, I do plan on making the a/c work etc, and its a little hacked on.There is a plug near the carb hanging out, dont know where it goes, and a few wires just plain CUT:eek: any info on this or if anybody has a parts 81 turbo regal, let me know. Thanks...:smile:
I don't think that wiring harnesses from 82-83 will work, that is the years they started using ECM. You will need one from 78-81.
The oddball '81 was the only year that used it's own unique particuler ECM.
A '78-80 will not work, niether will an '82.

It was a pre-curser to the later CCC/ECM. Sadly, they just wont work with anything else.:mad:

Been there....still am...:(
another ?

would that parts car for sale on the "other board" be alright to get the wire harness out of it its clean? would my ecm have to be changed too?