yet another import kill


May 18, 2003
driving home just minding my own business and i hear a bov right next to me.Its a late 80's audi i don't even know what type but it had a bov and a huge tach on the dash. so i gave him back a bov(yeah i have one,does that make me a bad guy?) and we find a light. i launch from 4#'s and walk away i don't think i got past 50mph then he cut across traffic and turned off. not a great story but its one more import that knows not to mess with a tr. Oh yeah, most of my kills are imports cause i have a banner across my rear window that says YOUR IMPORTS SUCKS it gets alot of those guys pissed but thats the point
Sticker Fun

I know just what you all feel! under my "Friends don't let Friends drive Fords" sticker I was thinking of putting something along the lines of "VTEC SHMEETEC its STILL just a Honda!" Imports are far too common and some need to get prodded into a butt whooping! thought I'd share.
Yep, lot's of 5.0's get to see the rear lights with the no to 5.0
sticker on the back window. :cool: