Young man that car looks menacing.


Active Member
Nov 28, 2007
I took the GN to the 7/11 to mail a letter, as I pulled into the parking lot, this older woman, I would estimate between 75-80 years old seemed to be giving me what I thought was a dirty look. As I reversed into a spot she kept glaring at me in the GN, and it looked as if she wanted to say something to me. Naturally I wondered what her issue was, I hadn't sped into the parking lot, I was no where near her so I couldn't have almost run her over.

After about a minute I decided I'm going in, but she's still waiting by the front door of the store, as I walk past her she says, "Young man, that car looks menacing", I almost pissed myself at the young man comment, it made me laugh as I'm 42, but I agreed with the menacing part. What a nice lady!
You should have offered her a ride. Course you might have killed her when the boost came on! :cool:
Menacing is a good way to describe it. It's funny how women typically don't understand what we see in these cars. My coworker showed his wife a picture of a GN. She said, "that thing is ugly". If you think about it, there is nothing really nice looking about GN's. But when you look at one, it just has B.A.M.F. written all over it. THAT's why I like it :D
I think it's one of the best body styles ever. I never get tired of looking at it. At least they don't look like everything else on the road today. You know! Like a turd, tapered on both ends.​