Your best April Fools prank

When I was a kid, I was particularly fond of putting Ben Gay in the toothpaste.
Howard Stern pulled a pretty good one this morning. Made believe he was pulled off the air and had a bogus "Happy morning crew show" in his place.:D
I pulled one on my local car club in Columbus GA today. I told them I sold my Chevelle SS and traded in my Formula in on an 03 Cobra ;) I posted a pic and a few of them fell for it. A few of the stang guys said "welcome to the darkside" and the gm guys said "they highly of me until now":D
I've got this water based purple paint.

I'm going to paint GNScotts Caddy CTS-V purple on him.

Should look good over the factory black. :cool:

Should wash right off.... :p
This was afew years back and I felt dumb!!! I dont remember why I was watching But Martha Stewart was on and Vaccuming. Whe she was done there was a bag of potatoes on he back as the power source. I kept watching as she was using potatoes to run a little clock or timer thing. Before she was done I had allready made a trip to the kitchen and grabbed some potatoes and was trying to hook up my Little clock. Martha is always so serious She reallllly cought me off guard. Needless to say she kept going about potatoes and how the can be used as power, then it showed a big ass pile of potatoes powering the studio....
Well after seeing that I started to be a little more skeptacle.
By the time she said April f..... I felt so stupid!!!!!!!!!! Then my girlfriend come home and sees potatoes out and wires pokin out of em, so I had to tell her.... Damn that martha!!!!:mad:
Originally posted by 84turbogn
This was afew years back and I felt dumb!!! I dont remember why I was watching But Martha Stewart was on and Vaccuming. Whe she was done there was a bag of potatoes on he back as the power source. I kept watching as she was using potatoes to run a little clock or timer thing. Before she was done I had allready made a trip to the kitchen and grabbed some potatoes and was trying to hook up my Little clock. Martha is always so serious She reallllly cought me off guard. Needless to say she kept going about potatoes and how the can be used as power, then it showed a big ass pile of potatoes powering the studio....
Well after seeing that I started to be a little more skeptacle.
By the time she said April f..... I felt so stupid!!!!!!!!!! Then my girlfriend come home and sees potatoes out and wires pokin out of em, so I had to tell her.... Damn that martha!!!!:mad:

ROFL!!! You're a trooper for telling us about that one. :D
When I lived in Iowa as a child we had a pumphouse for the well, and on April Fools he happend to be working inside of it. I come up to him and start watching what he is doing, and I look at the little water meter spinning around and asked my father what type of snake it was..He jumped out of that hole so damn fast, so funny :D :cool:
Originally posted by 84turbogn
This was afew years back and I felt dumb!!! I dont remember why I was watching But Martha Stewart was on and Vaccuming. Whe she was done there was a bag of potatoes on he back as the power source. I kept watching as she was using potatoes to run a little clock or timer thing. Before she was done I had allready made a trip to the kitchen and grabbed some potatoes and was trying to hook up my Little clock. Martha is always so serious She reallllly cought me off guard. Needless to say she kept going about potatoes and how the can be used as power, then it showed a big ass pile of potatoes powering the studio....
Well after seeing that I started to be a little more skeptacle.
By the time she said April f..... I felt so stupid!!!!!!!!!! Then my girlfriend come home and sees potatoes out and wires pokin out of em, so I had to tell her.... Damn that martha!!!!:mad:

You really can power a clock off potatoes, but not just any clock. I had one when I was a kid.
Yeah, I dont think my little alarm clock was the right kind, although I feel a little bit less stupid! thanks.
Evil girlfriend

My girlfriend got me good yesterday because she knew i wouldn't fall for it today, We found out her sister was pregnat about two months ago. Little did i know she kept the test for her lil evil plan, She did a good job of playing it up with feeling sick all week and acting nausis "sp" i was floored to say the least her and her sister thought it was great. But this all stems from last year, She had her vette all shined up and everything and i "borrowed" it while she was at work and my uncle is a sherif so we had it played to the hilt at the end of the day he came to the house and brought her the plate she was so upset and asked if that was all they found and my uncle just able to hold a straight face said yea but whats that in the garage wow what an arsebeating i got but totally worth i still say hehe :D :D :D

This is a combo job:

I pulled a few minor pranks on the kids this morning before going to work (vaselined their door knobs & car handles, turned the portable tvs in their rooms upside down, stuffed the tips of their shoes with toilet paper etc...) and my oldest decided to seek revenge.

Little did I know but she snuck up to my work place and taped 2 huge pink ballons on the back of my van and then wrote "I LOVE MY HUGE FAKE BOOBS!" underneath them.
Upon discovering this, I had to come up with a retort..It didn't take me long to figure it out - I wrote underneath what she wrote - "WANNA SEE "EM? CALL XXX_XXXX" (her cell #) and took a picture of it and e-mailed it to her with the message "can't wait for the drive home". With in minutes she was up cleaning the van off....All she said was "I didn't want everyone to think I was a slut!"....revenge is sweet.

She also put a piece of tape over the eye of my optic mouse...that was a good one...took me awhile to figure out why my computer was fubar'd
I had my supervisor at work fake firing me for what everyone else in my section was doing last year... They were ALL freaked out...
arived at my psych class early. devised a plan with two other classmates to sit and read the textbook quietly while people came in. they saw us looking all serious, and as they would come in we would be like "so did u study for the quiz?"

everyone was stressing out, one guy almost ditched before the teacher got there lol