Your car's gonna stall out man...


Go on red!
May 7, 2002
Cruising in my 10 second Turbo Regal, with soon to be remedied faded paint and only a 210/210 roller cam on a 110 lsa, with a low idle, everyone thinks they can cut me off or pass me or generally drive like an a## around me and my old Regal. WTF is up with that? When I'm in the GN or Z06 no one does that. Anyways, I was at the drive-thru and this will-there-be-anything-else burger flippin beotch says, "Sounds like your car is gonna stall out" :rolleyes: Ya, that's it, you should worry that my car is gonna stall out so you can feel good about yourself looking out for me and my safety. So I told her this drivetrain has 30 grand in it and that's how I wanted it:D I guess it's not their fault they are uneducated about TR's, but it sure is fun explaining wtf a TR is to the unknowing. Usually they are holy mother of baby buddha what the heck- it came like that from the factory!?!?!
And this chick is informing you of this while she is working at a burger joint....
And that is why I put one of those little unsuspecting V6's in my oh so unsuspecting (I REEK OF COLOGNE) IROC. Its not as bad as the "NICE MONTY'' that you guys get, but know one ever thinks an IROC is faster than a mid 14 at best anyway!:biggrin:
