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1999 LS1 Vette


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Staff member
May 27, 2001
I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting too cocky. I run up against any car with a street tire on it and I am beginning to assume an easy win. Not that I act cocky, but one of these times I'm gonna lose. I guess I should be content with the fact that when I do lose, the guy who does it will have a lot more into his car than I have into mine. Before I start, remember my car is in high 10s state of tune with 114 octane in the tank :)

Anyway, I go out for a cruise tonight, hoping lots of other people would be doing the same because it's suppose to rain tomorrow. I get on the NYS thruway going south just as it was starting to get dark. Well, a little way into it I see a C5 Vette getting onto the thruway up ahead. From the distance I was away I wasn't sure if it was a convertible or not, it didn't look normal. I sped up so he wouldn't get away and as I got closer, I realized that it was not a convertible, it had this really cool (NOT riced) spoiler that I hadn't seen before. There were still 4 exhaust tips but they were bigger than stock and the car really rumbled. The car was black and looked flawless with nicely polished aluminum aftermarket rims. Just as I got even with him he took the first exit, so I swung over and followed him. We get caught at the red light off the exit and he is turning right. I pull up next to him anyway, knowing I'd still be following him ;) I put my passenger window down and he opened his. Here is our conversation:
Him: "That's a Grand National right? 6 cylinder?
Me: "Yup"
Him "I've always liked Grand Nationals, does yours have a supercharger?".
Me: "no, just a turbo, they all had a turbo. I saw your Vette up ahead and sped up hoping we could go at it a little."
Him: " Oh you want to race? I'll pop back out on the thruway if you want to race"
Me: <GRIN>
Me: "I'll be fair about it, we'll go from a 25-30mph roll and I'll let you have the jump...that gives your car all the advantages."
Him: <shaking his head with a smile on his face as if I was crazy for thinking I had a chance, especially under those circumstances> "Are you serious? Alright man, whatever you want" <shaking his head with a big, "this guy is crazy" grin>.

Light turns green and I follow him out onto the thruway. About 1/4 of a mile from there is a long straightaway. We get there with him in the middle lane and me in the right lane. I looked over to see if he thought this would be a good spot, but his windows were tinted BLACK. We get down to about 30 mph and I drop it into 2nd gear....waiting for him to nail it. Finally I see his front end pick up a little and hear his exhaust scream to life as his car takes off ahead of me. I nail it the second I see and hear this. By the time I reacted and the turbo spooled all the way up, he had about a car on me........that was the only lead he'd ever have. It was like reeling in a minnow on a tuna rig, I blew on by him with no trouble at all. I let off at about 110 mph or so with a large lead. He did fly on by me, but then slowed down so I could catch up and exit together. After we exited he pulled into a gas station so we could talk. I get out of my car and notice that when he gets out of his he is shaking his head again, only this time the grin is gone. I think he was in shock. Standing back behind our cars I guess I can understand why, side by side, his car looks a lot faster mine.

Him: "I can't believe that! <confused look on his face, hand rubbing back of neck>I never lose like that"

Me: "Hey look, you have a beautiful car <it really was nice, the nicest C5 I've ever seen> and it can do a lot of things that mine can't <smurk>"

Him: "I have headers, exhaust and a few other things done, I can't believe how hard that 6 cylinder just walked me."

I'll cut this part short. I told him about the one big car gathering there is in our area on Wednesdays and he said he'd come. Then we pulled out and I went looking for another kill.....but you guys know how that goes.......nothing else the rest of the night. I think the Vette made the 5 gallons of race fuel I used worth it though :)
Thats how it is when Im in my TTA. I never think I can lose, Havent yet...

The net seems to have all these 9 and 10 second cars but man I never see them on the street.

Good Kill, I love those kind of Races where the guy thinks you have no change at all ;)
Great kill

That was an awsome story!

Theirs nothing like beating a 40K dollar car and then seeing the reaction on the drivers face.

man that is an awesome kill...wish my GN was capable of 10's and could take anything on the street! one day.........
Originally posted by Epitome
I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting too cocky.

In a 10-second car it would be very difficult not to be cocky.
mna if a gn ever pulled up to me and offered that kind of deal, i'd be very very leary!
This kill is a very close runner up to my all time favorite kill, the 10 second caged Mustang I beat on the street (3 times in a row :) ) almost 2 years ago. SO many cars around town had been beaten by this guy, but I never even knew about him until we bumped into each other that night. The entire next year, when I'd bump into other guys in the area with enthusiast cars and get talking, they'd always ask, "are you the guy that beat that silver mustang?" I'd always smile and say "Yeah, but I was only running pump gas or it would have been worse" ;)