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87gn with 67mm on alky vs gsxr600


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Aug 2, 2009
Mods r in my sig running 22-23 lbs. Gunna race my friends bike in a day or to. He def knows how to ride it. It's got a pipe n power commander .... Were gunna go from a 50 roll to minimize me spinning even tho I'm still gunna spin sense I got 225s on the back now. Who do u guys think is gunna win??
Go from a roll? what are you thinking??? go from a dig, thats gonna be your best chance....
Yep you just confirmed it, you do have an identical twin.

In another thread people were trying to help you on how to tune that thing and you werent listening.

I hear KABOOMcoming:biggrin:

I can't wait to see this out.....

This post below is only a day or two old and your gonna race tomorrow...... LOL
Who do u guys think is gunna win??

The tow truck operator & the machine shop & the shop that gets to rebuild it.

Did you ever figure out where the knock was coming from?:eek: I know you said it was only 7 deg.@23 psi.:rolleyes:

I know you want to flog it, but please get some reading and tuning under your belt first. These engines are not very forgiving at 20+ psi and knock.
Dude, no ones trying to be a dick, but trust us and TUNE the car or its gonna blow up. We are just looking out for you, I made the same mistake by trying to race everyone when I got the car, you wanna tune it first. If you get it tuned there is a chance you can beat this guy, if not, listen to what everyone is saying, not only will you lose the race, you will lose your engine!!
So u guys are saying that if I get it dynoed it will make more power bc i will b getting rid of the knock?
I heard this saying from a friend- No tune, KABOOM!! Listen when you get it tuned correctly you should be making more power and it should also take away the knock you are experiencing. Good luck with it
I think what the concerned are trying to say is learn to tune it first but they are just alarmists trying to prevent you from having fun with that car.

Put it to the wood, when you start to hear a kind of clicking/rattlen sound...dont be alarmed, thats your turbo afterburn modulator kicking in...its like overdrive for your turbo that will tell you to keep the peddle down because its about to really show whats up.

Trust me
I think what the concerned are trying to say is learn to tune it first but they are just alarmists trying to prevent you from having fun with that car.

Put it to the wood, when you start to hear a kind of clicking/rattlen sound...dont be alarmed, thats your turbo afterburn modulator kicking in...its like overdrive for your turbo that will tell you to keep the peddle down because its about to really show whats up.

Trust me

I just spit Bud Light on my screen:biggrin:Great Advice Mike:biggrin:
Turn down the race. You do not have enough to beat a crotch rocket from a roll with a good rider. Take that time to find someone in your area that can help you tune the car. If it is showing Knock it is not making power and is doing internal damage to the engine a little bit at a time. Trust me I learned the hard way. Head gasket, cranks, blocks, I've broke soo much stuff before I learned to listen and tune with patience. I could have a 2 Nice TSM cars with what I have spent since I got into TRs.

I think what the concerned are trying to say is learn to tune it first but they are just alarmists trying to prevent you from having fun with that car.

Put it to the wood, when you start to hear a kind of clicking/rattlen sound...dont be alarmed, thats your turbo afterburn modulator kicking in...its like overdrive for your turbo that will tell you to keep the peddle down because its about to really show whats up.

Trust me

If you posted your question here, sooner or later someone would give you the answer that you wanted.:D
If you are hell-bent on flogging this poor beast before understanding it's needs, we need to start a pool on how long it will be untill you blow out your head gaskets. I claim the one, two, and three week boxes on this pool. anyone else want in?

All joking aside, There are a thousand ways to make these cars haul @$$ and live a long and happy life. The problem is, that theres a million ways to hurt the engine and not even know that your doing it.

The "Majic Bullet" to throw at these cars to make them go fast is "Knowledge". Read, search, hook up with TB locals, and have patience. Don't just rush to get to the end of the journey. Enjoy the ride.

Happy spooling...
Mike Barnard