hello peoples; Off the angle inlet thing subject. But to the BadGuy from Hawaii. Whats happening in your neck of the woods? Does Hawaii have a drag track or some sort of Auto sport area? Maybe off roading or trail biking?
I see in your sig. you say you have a GTO CAI. I'am just curious how you came up with that?
I remember I think it was a Funny Car named The Hawaiian but I could be wrong.
Aloha, Is that hello or good bye.
hello people; I just checked out the G-bodies adapter angle IAC. For me I'am not an adapter fan .If I wanted an angled IAC I'd buy the complete pc. But if your on a budget it works. Is that a new item from them?
I was just going to let this post slide but I thought about it and decided to respond. If you look at my angle IAC you will see it is much different from GBody. Also if you feel the need to post and imply that someone got ripped off start you own thread and don't hijack mine.