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three turbos

Oct 17, 2010
I dont know if the you guys will consider it a kill or not so here it is. My brother has just recently purchased a 02 camaro with the lt1 in it supposively its chipped,headers, exhaust,cold air intake and nittos and a dyno sheet that 348 hp for a best.Keep in mind he is a previouse tr owner and i tried to get him to go back but his thick head was not haveing it.Ok so we are on our way to a car show in wich he is following me, knowing the first oppurtunity he has he is going to be all over it. I purposely take him the back way to give him plenty of back road oppurtunity.Well would't ya know it 3 turns into our drive i make a right and I here his exhaust,I turn and look in my mirror to see if he is still there the front of his car is up and comeing on strong,ok big brother so your ready to play huh.Right foot down all the way boost gauge pegs 16#s, tires start to beg for mercy I hit second and Im driveing now because she is dancing all over im trying to watch my mirror and drive I put 2 cars on him, a few second into it I look at my stewart warner speedo and we are pushinhg 125mph check the mirror again and he is still 2 back right where he belongs at this point we are in a heavily wooded area so I lift to make sure Bambi and I dont meet.He tucks back in behind to continue to follow to the show.When we finaly get there he tells me well ya did not out run me.I say well ya sure is hell did not catch me!He laughs and says your right there overall it was fun and close. From a dig it would be realy close but the black car still gets its respect even from a LT1, all aluminum block, 8 cylinder 15 year newer car rated at over 100 hp more outa the box from the factory. So I think its fair to say he thought he was going to do the teaching however he is still just the student because school was definitley in session!!!
I think any time a guy makes a silly excuse or has some doubt in his ride it's DEFINITELY a kill. Nicely done and way to keep it between the ditches lol:D
Thanks for the commenting,im sure there will be a round 2 and Im Confident it will end with the same result,a black 02 camaro filling the side mirror of one of Buicks finest automobiles.
Sorry for the error your correct,my mistake it has the slp package on it(street legal performance) it does run though.
Thanks for the commenting,im sure there will be a round 2 and Im Confident it will end with the same result,a black 02 camaro filling the side mirror of one of Buicks finest automobiles.

If you get an alky set up, there will never be a round three. He'll get his but handed to him so bad in round two, that he'll never want to suffer that humillation ever again.;)

Nice kill...

Mike Barnard
big brother

Thanks for the compliments,The alky set up is definitley on the the list I realy like what I have read about it and razor seems like he is very helpful as well. As for the my big bro. its always been that typical brotherly competion, you would think being a previouse gn owner he would know what he is up against,its just that big ego sitting on top of his shoulder that keeps telling him to TRY to one up me all the time I guess. I have to say though I was pretty impressed on how well it hung right in there though.Bottom line he was still the one looking at tail lights Not me!!:tongue: