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BPG 2012 GNX Pictures


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Active Member
Dec 7, 2004
here are some shots
DSC_2190 (1024x518).jpg
DSC_2192 (1024x681).jpg
DSC_2190 (1024x518).jpg
DSC_2193 (1024x609).jpg
Who are the people in the pictures?
The guy with the hat and glasses is Rick Hunt...aka X-Ray. He was a design engineer for ACS and then built the only recognized "White" GNX in X-Ray. Dont know who the other people are. I imagine Rick had the inside track on most of the info offered. He personally built the first 5 cars, and the prototypes. He will correct me if I am wrong on this statement. His stories are totally priceless.
He is a really good friend of mine and I was real sorry I could not make it.

ok, thanks. I have read some of Rick's posts. VERY interesting stories about the GNX.....
The guy drinking a beer with Rick is Doug Nigro who is the Owner of the Official GNX registry.
Here is a pic of "9" gnx's getting ready to make a "25" for 25th anniversary. Muscle Car Review wanted a pic for an upcoming issue. The car in the middle is mine. Yes it has a sunroof. No it is not a gnx. T
hey needed 9 cars and only 8 showed up so they used mine.