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Charcoal Canister Relocation ?


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Senior Irish Member
May 25, 2001
I remember reading some time ago several posts regarding the pro's and con's of relocating the charcoal canister using one of the kit's.

I've tried to locate these posts via search and have turned up zip, any ideas or fingers pointed in the right direction would be appreciated....

Mike, I decided to move mine. I had a hole cut for a cold air kit in the depression where it sat in orignally . I made a couple of ears out of some sheetmetal (made them "U" shaped), strapped them via a large hose clamp around the body of the cannister and mounted it vertically underneath this hole. The ears let it hang below the hole so it's secure. Now only the solenoid and vacuum nipple are exposed through the hole. I lengthened the line from the check valve to the solenoid and plugged it all back together. My air filter is back under the hood now and there is plenty of unobstructed room. You have to be a bit of a contorsionist to do it but it worked out.
ATR sells a kit.......part # HP325A for 49.95, probably cheaper to make your own like John did above.

Best of luck.
I've been reading up on how the cannister works. The cannister collects fumes & only releases them into the intake manifold when 3 conditions are met; 1. engine temperature is at a predetermined range, 2. the transmission is in either 3rd or 4th gear, & 3. the speed is above 45 or 40 mph.

These conditions seem to me to be making a bomb in a TR that is occasionally started in the garage & warmed up without driving it. I'm aware of at least 1 GN owner who hasn't driven his for 3 years.

I'm considering rerouting the vent line from the tank to the cannister to have it vent in the vicinity of the tank fill cap & deep sixing the canister.

Can't just remove the canister, because the fumes would then be being released in the engine compartment - I know of 1 previous GN owner who lost his GN due to enough heat or an exhaust leak igniting the fumes (he also had a lot of fire damage to his home).
I don't remember how I did it, but I moved mine to accomodate a 4" Big Mouth cold air kit without using anything. It seemed pretty obvious. I think that I used an existing hole and only one of the stock tabs on the canister. It isn't real solid and maybe over a long time vibration may cause the tab to fail, but no problems after 3K miles.

Thanks for the reply's...

I have an ATR relocation kit, I just didn't get any information with it. I was just wondering how it will work on it's side?
Mike McCoy was kind enough to have ATR's information sent out to me.

Now, after last night's event's if I can get it on with a screw driver, cresent wrench or allen wrench I'm all set.
