- chrome side markers, orig GM in great shape $60 shipped
- Art Carr 19930 Billet 9" nonlock race converter P stall for 2004R. This converter goes for $900 and will work great with anything from a 44 to 61 turbo. Just took out of my truck, worked great. $350 shipped. SOLD
- Hemco race plenum, 70mm. $120 shipped SOLD
- Turbonetics 62-1 turbo .63. No play whatsoever, just took this off and runs great. $350 + shipping
- original polished Big Mouth cold air kit that comes down beneath driver headlight $80 + shipping SOLD
- RJC boost controller $40 shipped SOLD
- Turbotweak 5.7 alky chip for 36# injectors. Includes 36# injectors that need to be checked out. $50 shipped SOLD
- 3" black MAF pipe with hoses and clamps. Not show quality but cheap. $30 shipped. SOLD
- front fixed rate drag Landrum Performance Springs from Santhuff 18-200. Barely used. $100 shipped (these are $189 + shipping from Santhuff, much better than Moroso trick springs) SOLD
- Art Carr 19930 Billet 9" nonlock race converter P stall for 2004R. This converter goes for $900 and will work great with anything from a 44 to 61 turbo. Just took out of my truck, worked great. $350 shipped. SOLD
- Hemco race plenum, 70mm. $120 shipped SOLD
- Turbonetics 62-1 turbo .63. No play whatsoever, just took this off and runs great. $350 + shipping
- original polished Big Mouth cold air kit that comes down beneath driver headlight $80 + shipping SOLD
- RJC boost controller $40 shipped SOLD
- Turbotweak 5.7 alky chip for 36# injectors. Includes 36# injectors that need to be checked out. $50 shipped SOLD
- 3" black MAF pipe with hoses and clamps. Not show quality but cheap. $30 shipped. SOLD
- front fixed rate drag Landrum Performance Springs from Santhuff 18-200. Barely used. $100 shipped (these are $189 + shipping from Santhuff, much better than Moroso trick springs) SOLD
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