BIG UPS, to my boy 2GNS4ME for taking the plunge. Mad thanks to my cousin, WikedV6 who brought me into the world of turbobuicks and gave me an imeasurable amount of help in getting my GN the way i wanted it and in such a short amount of time. Shots out to Postal who also was there to lend a hand, knowledge and responsible for some fantastic port work on my heads, intake and headerz. Also, to my boyz Mike, Nick and Cliff who put mad hours in the elburn cave and worked on their own time to get my car rollin. Last but certainly not least, to my two other cousin Roy, who got the electrical guts of this car back into shape and beyond and Doc Boost for all your knowledge and hookupz. Grand Nationals are the **** but the freinds i'v made and people I've met cuz of these cars have been the best part of it all.