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Oil in FM Spearco IC :(


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Oct 11, 2003
Okay, today when I put in my hotwire kit, I also decided to check the IC for the first time. Now it dosen't take a enious to figure out that oil in the IC piping is no good. I looked around on the board and think that the turbo seals might be bad, which is no good at all. Could it be something else? I don't want a sad turbo, but then again, it will give me an excuse to get that TA-49 I dream about. Anyone else have this problem?
could be one of two things:

-turbo seals
-sucking oil vapor in thru the pcv valve

if your shortblock has some blowby(like mine:( ) and/or the wrong pcv valve it'll be sucking up quite a bit of oil vapor into your throttle body,which will then be sent thru your intercooler.i relocated my pcv vacuum source when i eliminated my egr to keep the oil out of my intercooler...
I am pulling my motor (wiped out) in my 84 t, and I just pulled off the turbo...Much to my dismay, I found plenty of oil in the compressor housing and well into the intake. I know for a fact my seals are bad, since I had the turbo apart last year and felt minor (almost none, but still there) movement in the shaft. The motor had some smoke coming out and at first I blamed it on the bad rings in the car, however, with the amount of oil in my compressor, I definately cant blame everything on the block. You may never know exactly what it is with your turbo until it is apart, and even then, it sometimes is too difficult to tell without proper equipment. I think that TA49 is a very good option this early in the game. I just need to go find a new turbo myself, but I want BIGGER!!! lol. good luck. hth!!
