Any other vehicles have the same 86-87 a/c compressor

attached is the junkyard donor list that was attached to a sticky before the data loss.

mods - could someone do some editing to the sticky to substitute this pdf for the sticky pdf that generates the "OOPS" message?


  • Junkyard donor parts list 2014.pdf
    304.8 KB · Views: 73
attached is the junkyard donor list that was attached to a sticky before the data loss.

mods - could someone do some editing to the sticky to substitute this pdf for the sticky pdf that generates the "OOPS" message?
Aftermarket ones I have used either make noise or don't work at all.
Yell I replaced my OEM 5 years ago. I kept my old compressor, I got word that there was a guy that use to work for Harrison Mfg in Buffalo, NY that rebuilds OEM compressor, but was never able to make contact. I went with the HwyStars compressor ,after 5 years I'm still pleased with the performance.