Stock ECM or Fast XFI???

That's the point Dave, you're original post, "given the right add ons" ;)
Is exactly my point and others, by the time you purchase the right add ons to try and do some of what the FAST can do.... what is the real investment. And can you do what a FAST does... not pickin on ya, just want accurate info passed along with all the details to be informed fairly. The bottom line is if we are chasing the FAST and what it's capabilties are, than why not just buy a FAST and be done with it... when I go to a restaurant and want a good steak... I'm not buying a hamburg and having them add mushrooms to it... :)
Not picking on you at all here Jack but I also just want to point out some accurate info as well. I SOLD my used Bank to Bank F.A.S.T system for $1,000 and turned around and bought what was needed to do EVERYTHING that the F.A.S.T system can do! (and that was LESS than the XFI )... Right of the bat ALL the drivability adjustments were automatically done by the stock ECM.
That WHOLE section (DRIVABILITY adjustments) WERE TOOK OUT OF THE EQUATION.... Thus making those add on's EASYIER to tune simply because you now all you need to concentrate on is Fuel, Timing, boost settings the rest of the drivability tuning is taken care of via the ECM.... ;)

When I go to a restaurant and want a steak.... I don't buy a Filet Mignon when I can get a RIB EYE "WITH MUSHROOMS" For less!!! ;)

Scot W. :smile:
.............. ok................:wink: .. really... everything that a FAST can do......... I won't waste my time or yours listing what a FAST can do and how it does it. You have your perception etched in stone, I have mine based on reallity. Thank God that bad relationship I had with an old girlfriend didn't force me to go in the closet.... :eek:

I'll take the Filet....... :cool:
That's the point Dave, you're original post, "given the right add ons" ;)
Is exactly my point and others, by the time you purchase the right add ons to try and do some of what the FAST can do.... what is the real investment. And can you do what a FAST does... not pickin on ya, just want accurate info passed along with all the details to be informed fairly. The bottom line is if we are chasing the FAST and what it's capabilties are, than why not just buy a FAST and be done with it... when I go to a restaurant and want a good steak... I'm not buying a hamburg and having them add mushrooms to it... :)

OOP's bouble post..

Scot W. :smile:
That's the point Dave, you're original post, "given the right add ons" ;)
Is exactly my point and others, by the time you purchase the right add ons to try and do some of what the FAST can do.... what is the real investment. And can you do what a FAST does... not pickin on ya, just want accurate info passed along with all the details to be informed fairly. The bottom line is if we are chasing the FAST and what it's capabilties are, than why not just buy a FAST and be done with it... when I go to a restaurant and want a good steak... I'm not buying a hamburg and having them add mushrooms to it... :)

Jack, I think you misunderstood my post. By "add-ons" I was refering to the Translator Pro its self, not a bunch of other stuff.
It requires no more to run than does the XFI. A WBO2 and a manifold temp sensor.
That sensor's already on the car and just has to be moved.
Then it's just a matter of the WBO2 (both of them require that)

Granted the XFI has some other very powerfull features like traction control and related stuff (as it should for the money that's involved).

My point is, for getting up and running a nice powerfull Speed Density system for a lot less money, the Translator Pro is in fact a viable option.

Add-ons required??? 1 Translator Pro, 1 WBO2. Total cost aprox. $600 +/-

And the facts are that you can even run SD without a WBO2, quite safely as a matter of fact. I did it for several months while building the cash to buy a WBO2.
Granted you don't have WBO2 tracking, but it'll work.

The Pro's full spectrum (idle to WOT) WBO2 tracking is an amazing feature, along with a full featured and tuneable VE table.
.............. ok................:wink: .. really... everything that a FAST can do......... I won't waste my time or yours listing what a FAST can do and how it does it. You have your perception etched in stone, I have mine based on reallity. Thank God that bad relationship I had with an old girlfriend didn't force me to go in the closet.... :eek:

I'll take the Filet....... :cool:
......OK ........... I'll take that back........ALL THE DRIVABILITY STUFF INSN'T ON THE T-PRO....... CAUSE IT ISN'T NEEDED!!

I'll take the Rib Eye, Mushrooms, baked potato and a 7 & 7 mix drink for the cost of your FILET.....:biggrin:

This is fun!!!!:)

Scot W.
In my response to the Stock vs FAST post, I stated that Duttweiler ran 6.89 at just over 200 MPH. Some may doubt those numbers. His twin turbo stage motor was in an Olds pro stock type car with I believe a Lenco. He was match racing Lawrence Conley who was running his twin turbo big block Chevy. Duttweiler won the match.
Ok guys.......... you win..... I give up, anyone wanna buy my XFI... cheap.... I'm going to Macdonalds for lunch.... :tongue: :cool: Gotta get some work done.... for a change. :)
Ok guys.......... you win..... I give up, anyone wanna buy my XFI... cheap.... I'm going to Macdonalds for lunch.... :tongue: :cool: Gotta get some work done.... for a change. :)

No one's trying "win". Not I at least. I guess the mis understanding continues. :(
I'm not trying to bash XFI (show me where I have). I'm merely trying to point out to the OP that there are alternatives. No one system is going to be the "be all to end all" for everyone.

I get so tired of being taken to task by merely pointing out alternatives, especially when the OP asked for alternatives.

For those of you that claim one "must run XFI", and this thread has a few, well, I'm sorry, you're wrong!

For those of you that claim one "must run ECM/chip", same thing, you're wrong.

For those that claim one "must run ECM/piggyback system", same thing, you're wrong.

Each system has it's advantages (and disadvantages), and there is a laundry list of each for every system.


Etc., Etc. The list could be long

Everybody must look at the features, price, etc. and make an informed decision based on that info.

I will trade you my T-pro with wibeband, power logger with scanmaster
for your XFI system.:) I am going to tune this car with the new set-up one more time and if it does not work I will be ordering a XFI system from you Monday. Thanks and have a good lunch.
Add-ons required??? 1 Translator Pro, 1 WBO2. Total cost aprox. $600 +/-

Don't forget the nickel and dime stuff like plug-n-play harnesses (if you're a sissy like me and don't like to splice and solder), 3-bar MAP, Extender Pro Chip(s), and a separate data logging arrangement (unless T-Pro acts like a data logger, I don't know). Like I said before, I compared the cost of both and figured a complete T-Pro setup was about halfway to a comparable XFI arrangement. And, like I said before, that other half is admittedly quite a lot of dough.

Obviously I'm not going to be able to justify the system to many of you, and frankly I don't feel like I need to. I just don't want people misled. I took FAST out of the box Saturday morning and was sitting in the drive-thru at White Castle by lunch time. Idling smoothly and nicely (they take a long time at White Castle). The most time consuming part of the installation was the de-installation of my LM-1 and Translator Plus. And, with all seriousness, if I can do it anyone can do it. I'm impatient and want stuff to work when I plug it in. It did and does.

Don't forget the nickel and dime stuff like plug-n-play harnesses (if you're a sissy like me and don't like to splice and solder), 3-bar MAP, Extender Pro Chip(s), and a separate data logging arrangement (unless T-Pro acts like a data logger, I don't know). Like I said before, I compared the cost of both and figured a complete T-Pro setup was about halfway to a comparable XFI arrangement. And, like I said before, that other half is admittedly quite a lot of dough.

As for the extras, it's almost the same....
They both require a harness. Admitedly I don't know if it's included with XFI or extra, and optional on the TPro
They both require a 3bar MAP
Chip? ya the one extra part, although ANY chip "can" be used (although not providing "full" functionality)
They both require at least a laptop to data log. Translator pro does come with Tuner Pro data logger software.
The price difference is larger than most think.

Obviously I'm not going to be able to justify the system to many of you, and frankly I don't feel like I need to. I just don't want people misled. I took FAST out of the box Saturday morning and was sitting in the drive-thru at White Castle by lunch time. Idling smoothly and nicely (they take a long time at White Castle). The most time consuming part of the installation was the de-installation of my LM-1 and Translator Plus. And, with all seriousness, if I can do it anyone can do it. I'm impatient and want stuff to work when I plug it in. It did and does.


Why do you imply that I'm trying to mislead anyone?
As for the extras, it's almost the same....
They both require a harness. Admitedly I don't know if it's included with XFI or extra, and optional on the TPro
They both require a 3bar MAP
Chip? ya the one extra part, although ANY chip "can" be used (although not providing "full" functionality)
They both require at least a laptop to data log. Translator pro does come with Tuner Pro data logger software.
The price difference is larger than most think.

Why do you imply that I'm trying to mislead anyone?

Sorry - that wasn't directed at you.

Cotton's price includes the Casper's harness and WB02 (I think maybe the MAP too, not sure since I already had one). When I did the comparison I included everything I'd need for each option (T-Pro and XFI). I came up with about half as much for the T-Pro option, but I did include the cost of the PowerLogger. XFI will log without a laptop but obviously you need a laptop to view it.

The comparison is kind of moot, though. It's a big difference no matter how you look at it. It just depends on what route you want to take. I wanted to be prepared for a V8 conversion so I plunked down the $$ now. Rebuilding my stock 3.8 this month was not part of the plan so I'm using the XFI with that. Long story.

OK, we've heard how great chips are and how bad the FAST and other aftermarkets ECUs are.
We've heard how great the FAST and other aftermarket ECUS are and how bad the chips are.
I just have one question: What the hell is wrong with hamburgers!

I think this post should be locked down or maybe shifted over to beef it's what's for dinner. Ground or T-bone.
Everyone has posted their opinions, and like politics, it is going to take alot more than a couple of posts to change parties.

So, does anyone here like ground turkey burgers? Mmmmm yum, or yuk!
Damn! Now I'm hungry again!
i am ready to upgrade to xfi
venders on this thread pm me with your best deal shipped to minnesota
with internal datalogger, xfi to buick harness, xfi to usb adaptor for laptop and wideband...

-newengine dropping this winter demands it!!!
OK, we've heard how great chips are and how bad the FAST and other aftermarkets ECUs are.
We've heard how great the FAST and other aftermarket ECUS are and how bad the chips are.

this is why both are still selling .. some like one over the other .. some can make stuff work some don't :p :biggrin: I think this is done .. turn the grill on and lets eat :cool:
So, does anyone here like ground turkey burgers? Mmmmm yum, or yuk!

The word "burger" should not be preceded by anything other than 'ham'. Turkey, boca, veggie, etc. are all unacceptable bastardizations of the good 'ol hamburger.

My family left for vacation without me last week so I've been living off of those hockey puck burgers from the freezer. Bought like 20 lbs. of them for a party and have lots left over. Not too bad - I put steak seasoning on them to pretty them up.

I'm out of buns now, so I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. There's some english muffins left. And some old hot dog buns.

I'm out of buns now, so I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. There's some english muffins left. And some old hot dog buns.


You had to get that XFI didn't you. Just think where the extra money could have went if you chose to go abother route ;) :biggrin: :tongue: :D