Congrats Harold

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Chevota, where have you been I thought you died. Nothing like Harold & his subordinates to unite the board when things get a little slow. If man can land on the moon why can he not figure a way to rid the planet of Harold ( sigh )

How you been Lou? I no longer associate myself with you Monte Carlo owning gang bangers... :wink:

Now look who else has come out of the wood work. The post has brought out all the heavy hitters. I will stick my neck out here & make a prediction that in six months Ralph will buy that car for $15,000.00.
No lie lou. Pete are you ready for the next project. This place gets better and better my junk might be up for sale soon that way i wont have any ties with you gangsters.
I'm starting to feel like a minority around here. I want to take a poll and see how many white guys still own Turbo Buicks in So. Cal. :biggrin:

You're white? Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot. J/K, Neal, I know that you're one of the good guys. Which, BTW, went out of style with high buckle shoes & bloomers.
What I don't understand is how so many hooligans & henchmen find their way to the SouthWestern Section? I personally hold responsible the not-so-great Republik of Kalifornication and the koolaid they feed us at the watering trough.
Now look who else has come out of the wood work. The post has brought out all the heavy hitters. I will stick my neck out here & make a prediction that in six months Ralph will buy that car for $15,000.00.

lol no heavy hitter here Lou I'm just lurking the SW section enjoying the entertainment and all I can say is WOW just WOW!!!! and the star of the show hasn't showed up yet.

maybe he's looking for a new disguise like a GN or supra or maybe a T-type who knows I just wish you guy's would quit pulling his covers off. lol
The star of the show, as you put it, is not going to show up. At least not on this thread.

I think we have Sytech to thank for this entertainment. Way to go Ray ! great judgment & keep up the good work.
ah, they meant people who actually drive their GN's

hey Brent, get that puppy out and run it!
or you need to add "garage queen " to your signature, LOL
and no smart a$$ remarks about my sh!t, LOL

hope all is good with you, speak up and let us know how your doing.
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