TA alum engine

The request for pricing from the window shoppers/ tire kickers is for entertainment purpose only.

Anyone truly interested with the money would have called Nick by now…


the request for pricing from the window shoppers/ tire kickers is for entertainment purpose only.

Anyone truly interested with the money would have called nick by now…


I agree but i don't know if its only me just seeing this lately here on the board but seems like everyone is looking for a fight and always on the edge about stupied things.
I can respect that Nick thinks this is the best way to sell his product but he always seems to come off cocky and a little condescending at least to me.I guess its a little baffling as to why he would think we couldnt begin to comprehend such an astronomical price.

I agree but i don't know if its only me just seeing this lately here on the board but seems like everyone is looking for a fight and always on the edge about stupied things.

I hear that!!!! this place seems more like "Rants & Raves" on "CRAIGS LIST" more every day!! Really, Nice looking Engine ! I'm sure it would twist my car in 2 !!:eek:
Any ads without the actual price and a clear picture of what you are actually buying will be discarded..... :p

Only serious sellers. like perhaps the guy selling it, will be considered. :biggrin:

There, that's not cocky at all. ;)
Wow this is a train wreck.....if Nick wants to list an item for sale with no price, who cares? If you have half a brain about these cars, you know that it's not $2,500 motor, but it's also not a $25,000 motor.

Either email/call him about it or move along.....I have no loyalty to Nick, I've never met or talked to him, but let's just use some common sense and act like adults!
I think it is just pathetic that this thread is ruined over something like this!! Anyone truly in the market for this engine would have just contacted Nick!! GnTurboTommy and Alvargo1983 are right about the rants and raves!! This site is nothing like it was in 06' when I joined. Not near this much Bull **it as we have now!! Sad.....
are we actually hiding the selling price from the original owner of this motor ,for ones pure profit...just sayin....why play kid games and not post a price
My guess is the price is not posted to keep tire kickers from contacting Nick... I'm sure the price of this item while well worth it might give some of us sticker shock. Not posting the price will mitigate people who like to antagonize the TS, especially with a high end specialty item such as this.

A price would have avoided all this and could have been negotiable through emails.

Some people want the attention hence no price.

I don't see how this thread is ruined either. The attention it is getting will make it a sure sale soon!

Good luck

The request for pricing from the window shoppers/ tire kickers is for entertainment purpose only.

Anyone truly interested with the money would have called Nick by now…

Can't someone just call him for the price and maybe accidently post said price?

Well that’s real classy.

I have seen Nick post some interesting tech on this board. This would be a great way to show how much you appreciate it.

You Buick enthusiast did the same dam thing to Bob Bailey with his ignition module. He brought it to the Chicago club meet and didn’t really have it all figured out but wanted to share with us. What was the first thing asked over and over? “How much is it?” “How much is it?” “How much is it?”. Well he didn’t have it all figured out so he didn’t have a price yet. So after begging over and over he felt he had to say something but asked not to repeat it because he still wasn’t sure.

So what does some ass/hat do anyway? After Bob asked us not to repeat the price? After he drove all the way up just for our club meet?

They post the price on this board anyway!! Thanks Bob Bailey!!!!!

Damn... Common sense tells you that you are talking in excess of 10K. If you have no intentions of buying it why ask? If truly interested would a call or email hurt?

Is it still snowing or something?:biggrin:

How about a group chill pill...
seems like the ones who are crying the loudest...

are the ones who could NEVER afford a motor like this ever!

this is similar to all the requests for pics of something for sale, when they know they will never buy it.

this is a real classy way to thank Nick for all the tech support and answers he provides.
if any of you doubt his ability, are you aware the fastest 109 block car runs out of his shop!
he is directly responsible for a major part of the R&D for TA Perf.
when you call TA, they will refer you to Nick for answers.

Thanks Nick,for all you do, sorry for all the turds in the grass!

Damn... Common sense tells you that you are talking in excess of 10K. If you have no intentions of buying it why ask? If truly interested would a call or email hurt?

Is it still snowing or something?:biggrin:

How about a group chill pill...

Stick around, it's suppose to be snowing by 3:00 this afternoon. they are forecasting 2"-3" for the metro! :frown:
Well wish I had seen this before I rebuilt my engine, If I could fine a good priced TA engine I would still buy it, I have to say a posted price would help me and yes I have the money if it isn't over $100,000 and on the other hand I thought about selling my Grand National and didn't really want to post a price cause I really deep down didn't want to sell it and I have no hands left so I will shut up