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Anyone else had enough of the way cops are being treated these days


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Better than being a used car salesman.....oh I'm sorry, a stalker used car salesman cause you sure do seem to be following me around all over this board. Get a life....
You are not all over this board,just this thread and the political section.BTW this what you call "used car salesman"prolly makes 5 times what you make.MORON:cigar:
Yeah,you are probably a security guard at a grocery store and drive a Prius.:rolleyes:
4TurdsT,don't be mad that I let everyone know what you really do for a living and what you drive.Hell somebody has to do what you do!!:ROFLMAO:
You are not all over this board,just this thread and the political section.BTW this what you call "used car salesman"prolly makes 5 times what you make.MORON:cigar:
Well you would know.....stalker. ;)

Couldn't care what you make....that seems only important to pussies like you. ;)
Damned evil cops.....

A Kentucky police officer didn't cuff a shoplifting suspect, but instead paid for the item he was accused of stealing: baby formula.

"Me citing him for court wouldn't have done any good for him. He's already short on money." officer Justin Roby said.

The suspect is a single father whose 6-month-old son was with him at the time. Neither officer Justin Roby nor the store's theft-prevention officer wanted to press charges.

Local outlet The Sentinel-Echo says that after Roby bought a few cans of formula for the man at Kroger, he told him to contact the police department if he ever fell on hard times and to scout out local churches.

The story has touched national media outlets, too. Anchors on Fox News even wanted to find the man so they could help:

"I wish we had his name and number. I would love to, you know, help out," Fox anchorHeather Childers said.

"We'll try to get that," Brian Kilmeade said.

"That's what officers do every day," anchor Elisabeth Hasselbeck said.

We have heard stories like this before.

Just in December, WIAT says an Alabama officer got a call about a woman who was suspected of trying to steal eggs at a Dollar General. The officer also decided to pay for the item.

Carry on....haters.
Damned evil cops.....

A Kentucky police officer didn't cuff a shoplifting suspect, but instead paid for the item he was accused of stealing: baby formula.

"Me citing him for court wouldn't have done any good for him. He's already short on money." officer Justin Roby said.

The suspect is a single father whose 6-month-old son was with him at the time. Neither officer Justin Roby nor the store's theft-prevention officer wanted to press charges.

Local outlet The Sentinel-Echo says that after Roby bought a few cans of formula for the man at Kroger, he told him to contact the police department if he ever fell on hard times and to scout out local churches.

The story has touched national media outlets, too. Anchors on Fox News even wanted to find the man so they could help:

"I wish we had his name and number. I would love to, you know, help out," Fox anchorHeather Childers said.

"We'll try to get that," Brian Kilmeade said.

"That's what officers do every day," anchor Elisabeth Hasselbeck said.

We have heard stories like this before.

Just in December, WIAT says an Alabama officer got a call about a woman who was suspected of trying to steal eggs at a Dollar General. The officer also decided to pay for the item.

Carry on....haters.
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Is that your car lot? Now I see why you're rolling in dough. LMAO What a chump. :ROFLMAO::LOL::dummy1:
With people like you,I can't keep enough of those Turds around.Just make your note or I will bust a repo on your ass.And yes I have repoed a few cops over the years and they were not as slick as they thought they were on hiding the car.
With people like you,I can't keep enough of those Turds around.Just make your note or I will bust a repo on your ass.And yes I have repoed a few cops over the years and they were not as slick as they thought they were on hiding the car.
So not only do you talk sell shit too. LMAO What a dope.
My shirt is completely on. Unfortunately you have been the most confrontational person in the thread. That is very revealing.

So when Pablo said this......"And I have to disagree with you, the biggest cowards need costumes. That gives them something to hide behind.
A man fighting for what he believes in needs no validation in the form of fancy clothing, ribbons, or medals."....why didn't you speak up? You only spoke up when the cop said something. Guess that's a little revealing too, huh?
If I was an outsider looking in, I'd say that the average age of the posters on this thread would be around or below 12 years old. Great argument guys keep the entertainment going.
Also don't ever argue with an idiot because from a distance you can't tell who is the idiot and who isn't.
Also don't argue with an idiot because they will drag you down to their level and beat you down with experience.
Please guys put on some thicker skin and move on.
In a nutshell, this is why there is a political section. So the lounge doesn't get out of hand. If I was a mod I'd move this over there.
So when Pablo said this......"And I have to disagree with you, the biggest cowards need costumes. That gives them something to hide behind.
A man fighting for what he believes in needs no validation in the form of fancy clothing, ribbons, or medals."....why didn't you speak up? You only spoke up when the cop said something. Guess that's a little revealing too, huh?
My Dad didn't do everything he did just to put ribbons and medals on his chest. He did what he did because he had a huge sense of duty and love of America. At the prison my father was assigned to, the CO hated the Japanese basicly checked out. There was abuse of the prisoners from some of the guards. When my Dad saw what was happening he took matters into his own hands and stopped the guards from harassing the prisoners. Regardless of the "crime" they committed they were prisoners and he would not stand for abusive practices. The prisoners appreciated his fairness. I have several pencil drawings that one of the prisoners gave to my Dad for his kindness. They were not animals or subhuman as others wanted to see them as. Now, translating that to today's events, I pretty much see the parallel. As a policeman you have authority to do good. That authority a privilege that should be respected. In my opinion, the vast majority of police do respect that privilege. I will even say some are true heroes. Unfortunately a portion of them don't and that is very disappointing. I can see dealing with the dregs of society (which my nephew in Boston does) can harden and cloud your mind but not every person out there is a criminal. I know my nephew is racist. He grew up in Dorchester. Lots of racial tensions there. The stories he tells of the people he has to police are just plain sickening. That has just reinforced his prejudice. I do fear that he might someday do something out of racism rather than sound police work. I hope it never happens. I suppose it would be best for him to change jobs and get out of that environment. He is thinking of going to the FBI. Hope he goes for it.
I'm done with this thread.
In a nutshell, this is why there is a political section. So the lounge doesn't get out of hand. If I was a mod I'd move this over there.

Absolutely!! I have no use what so ever for users that are on the board only to post in the political or lounge forums, and contribute absolutely nothing of technical use to the board or it's users.
I don't feel cops should have to suffer idiots gladly. If somebody is stupid enough to put the cop in a position to use deadly force, then the cop always has the right to do so. The dumbass who forces the issue is the one who- like it or not, needs to show respect for authority.
My Dad didn't do everything he did just to put ribbons and medals on his chest. He did what he did because he had a huge sense of duty and love of America. At the prison my father was assigned to, the CO hated the Japanese basicly checked out. There was abuse of the prisoners from some of the guards. When my Dad saw what was happening he took matters into his own hands and stopped the guards from harassing the prisoners. Regardless of the "crime" they committed they were prisoners and he would not stand for abusive practices. The prisoners appreciated his fairness. I have several pencil drawings that one of the prisoners gave to my Dad for his kindness. They were not animals or subhuman as others wanted to see them as. Now, translating that to today's events, I pretty much see the parallel. As a policeman you have authority to do good. That authority a privilege that should be respected. In my opinion, the vast majority of police do respect that privilege. I will even say some are true heroes. Unfortunately a portion of them don't and that is very disappointing. I can see dealing with the dregs of society (which my nephew in Boston does) can harden and cloud your mind but not every person out there is a criminal. I know my nephew is racist. He grew up in Dorchester. Lots of racial tensions there. The stories he tells of the people he has to police are just plain sickening. That has just reinforced his prejudice. I do fear that he might someday do something out of racism rather than sound police work. I hope it never happens. I suppose it would be best for him to change jobs and get out of that environment. He is thinking of going to the FBI. Hope he goes for it.
I'm done with this thread.

Your dad sounds like one of the good ones.

I'm sorry I offended you.
To be honest, NO they need some policing as well or else we would have a bunch of hoodlums running around with guns..
Absolutely!! I have no use what so ever for users that are on the board only to post in the political or lounge forums, and contribute absolutely nothing of technical use to the board or it's users.

Dave , no one forces you to view this thread. And I know for a fact there are people on the political section that asked to make it optional to view because they wanted nothing to do with it and yet they logged in to view it and have posted on it.
And yes, this thread has taken a turn for the worse.