'02 Kia Vs. Cobra


Big Old Turbo Turd!!
Jun 9, 2003

I drop the 9 month pregnant wife off at the doctor's office for a check up....the 3 yr. old is sleeping in the backseat so I passed on going in. So, I am driving my work beater to the gas station the beater is a 2002 Kia Rio w/ 1.5 DOHC...5 speed...;) Anyways I get up to the stop light and this junky loud sounding car pulls up next to me.......I look over see a '03 Mustang with a V6 hood.....cobra rims & emblems on the front fenders....and a cocky driver rolling his window up and down pointing at me and laughing to his girlfriend about my car......at this time I am smerking cause I know its a V6 Rustang!! So...in true ricer fashion he revs his car..........but then the stoplight went green and the BULLSH!T STOPPED RIGHT THERE!!!

I put three car lenghts on him before 40 mph......I then slowed down to the 35 mph speed limit and he flew by a second later.........and this is what I dont get he was waving at me as if he blew me away.......:confused: This punk kid had dual 3in pipes on each side and it sounded like tin can exhaust.....I pulled in the gas station and he pulled in a parking lot and turn around to cruise the strip again..............I have more respect for a ricer....because they would have beat me and it wasnt like the kid wasnt trying you could hear his little V6 trying!!!........I wonder what his g/f thought?:D She probably thinks it's a real Cobra....and he probably said " I wasnt trying "

He's a street racing legend in his own mind. Either that, or a dork.
I was in Hartford............it was white. Must be a couple of these rare V6 Cobra prowlin' Wisconsin streets...;)
Originally posted by 1QUICK85
I was in Hartford............it was white. Must be a couple of these rare V6 Cobra prowlin' Wisconsin streets...;)

I happened to see something like that on south 27th by 894. He was getting his butt handed to him by an Escape...

Mustang buzzed like a chainsaw.

oh thats great. i temporarly work at walmart pushing carts. i'm AMAZED how many v6 mustangs and camaros i see around with the people driving them like its some kind of 7 sec. street car. dumping the clutch to back out of a parking spot... classic. my all time favorite is this 95ish v6 camaro, started out life being white and is now blue with white "racing" stripes it says "sport" on it no fewer than 6 times and has a non functional hollow 9" cowl hood (we measured it, yes it is9") you can look under the home made cown and see the stock unpainted hood. the beast part is the rivets show, and he put it right over the vents in the hood (z28 hood) so about 1/2 of the vents show on either side.

what is up with people? i've started assuming if it looks slow it must be fast, if it looks fast it must be slow.
People are stupid.........I mean for the money the guy put into his V6 cobra..........he could have bought a decent Mustang GT and at least throw money at something that will go faster then my Kia............that is absolutly stock. Oh well, to each their own:D
Originally posted by denn454
what is up with people? i've started assuming if it looks slow it must be fast, if it looks fast it must be slow. [/B]

I'll bet you've surprised a few people with that Buick GS...
as pathetically sad as it is, yes i have yet to loose a race in the gs. its slow too! runs mid 15's at best. i feel bad racing peopel with it. my car is slow and i know i can beat up on them.... at least if a cop sees me racing someone it won't look like were going very fast... and i can use the "racing who, my grandma in her wheelchair" line.
Originally posted by denn454
as pathetically sad as it is, yes i have yet to loose a race in the gs. its slow too! runs mid 15's at best. i feel bad racing peopel with it. my car is slow and i know i can beat up on them.... at least if a cop sees me racing someone it won't look like were going very fast... and i can use the "racing who, my grandma in her wheelchair" line.

Have you ever gone to ClubGP.com? Granted, it's dedicated to the Grand Prix, but there's a number of GS owners on there and we share the same drivetrain.

Might be worth a look if you already haven't.

I love the look of the sleeper GS.
Originally posted by Gunstar1
I happened to see something like that on south 27th by 894. He was getting his butt handed to him by an Escape...

Mustang buzzed like a chainsaw.

Go escape, Go escape, it's your bir...... Ok maybe not but my little escape does pretty good for what it is. I have beat plenty of ricers with it. ;)