2012 Calendars are IN and ready to ship!!! - Pic inside :)

Got mine yesterday.

Just a suggestion, there is no hole in the calendar in order to hand it.

February is my favorite.

What happened to July and December pics, they look like a bad photoshop pics?

Billy T.

You aren't supposed to hand the calendar :)
February was one of my favorites too :)
No, they aren't bad photoshopped, they are done using a filter that makes them look like oil paintings. Was just trying different things to see what worked and what didn't. Thanks for the feedback though! :)

Anyway of getting a NWS version? ;)

Billy T.
got mine today!!!! thanks fastynasty!!!!
these are way better quality and layout than last year. I don't see how you can sell these for $15 shipped and still make a profit. I'm gonna order another for a friend of mine.

i agree with previous comment on the obvious photoshop pics. I've noticed that particular effect is popular with those guys that go around at car shows and take pics of your ride and try and sell you a big print. A guy did some pics this summer with my gal and my bike and they made her skin look like she had some serious sun damage, lol!

and I could be alone on this comment, ....I enjoy the fake boobs and stripperella poses as much as any other guy, but their just so (yawn) many of those kind of car and babe pics like that out there. I like the sexy real girl next door with her car pics. and i think you could carry the entire calander by yourself.

good job!!!!!!!:smile::smile::smile:
got mine today!!!! thanks fastynasty!!!!
these are way better quality and layout than last year. I don't see how you can sell these for $15 shipped and still make a profit. I'm gonna order another for a friend of mine.

i agree with previous comment on the obvious photoshop pics. I've noticed that particular effect is popular with those guys that go around at car shows and take pics of your ride and try and sell you a big print. A guy did some pics this summer with my gal and my bike and they made her skin look like she had some serious sun damage, lol!

and I could be alone on this comment, ....I enjoy the fake boobs and stripperella poses as much as any other guy, but their just so (yawn) many of those kind of car and babe pics like that out there. I like the sexy real girl next door with her car pics. and i think you could carry the entire calander by yourself.

good job!!!!!!!:smile::smile::smile:

Well thanks!!! :) I got a great deal on the printing this year, so there is plenty of room to make profit for the Nationals...and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it'll be way more than last year! :D I think I agree on the oil painting filter...I like it, but probably won't do it next year. Having created a calendar for me to keep of just me, I can say I like it (of course...lol), but I would imagine most prefer the variety of different ladies to look at. :D
Since the GS nats haven't been anounced you you really need to start thinkng about the new claendar now Kris. If you can get them done and sell them there it would make a lot more cash.:)
Where do i sign up for one? Better yet PM me all the details on how to get one of these. My last year calendar expired :frown:
Running a test shoot for the 2013 calendar with the one and only Miles Fork...posters from the shoot will be available...and proceeds will go to the same place as the calendars. :) stay tuned....these are gonna ROCK! :D
Posters are DONE and look GREAT! Miles is going to be adding some tb.com stuff to the images and then get them printed. I'm looking to have these shipped to a vendor to be available during the tb.com event since they would be a bit of a pain to ship. There are three of them....and here they are (minus the tb.com stuff).


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you are looking DAMN good!!!!
very hot!
but are any going to have you with a turbo Buick?

I can't get away with ordering a poster and putting it on the wall unless it has a Buick in it.
if I put up just a hotty in a tub, my girl wont be apt to believe the "it's only about the car" spiel, lol!
you are looking DAMN good!!!!
very hot!
but are any going to have you with a turbo Buick?

I can't get away with ordering a poster and putting it on the wall unless it has a Buick in it.
if I put up just a hotty in a tub, my girl wont be apt to believe the "it's only about the car" spiel, lol!

The posters won't. My car is garage bound until the salt is off the roads. We are however, going to tweak these to put something buick in them (it'll look like body paint)...not sure we can get a whole car in there...but I'll ask. These were just a test shoot for the next calendar, and I get a bazillion posters with it...and, while I'd love to wallpaper my house...I'm not gonna...lol
Posters are DONE and look GREAT! Miles is going to be adding some tb.com stuff to the images and then get them printed. I'm looking to have these shipped to a vendor to be available during the tb.com event since they would be a bit of a pain to ship. There are three of them....and here they are (minus the tb.com stuff).


You might want to rethink your carrer options!!!!

