3.5in DP?


Feb 20, 2003
Does anyone still make the TH 3.5in DP I bought one from Full Throttle a while back and need another, if not does anyone know the progress on the one TA is making?
Does anyone still make the TH 3.5in DP I bought one from Full Throttle a while back and need another, if not does anyone know the progress on the one TA is making?

Check with SAMBALLS here on the forum. A buddy of mine got one from him and it was good.

Does anyone still make the TH 3.5in DP I bought one from Full Throttle a while back and need another, if not does anyone know the progress on the one TA is making?

sent you an email..........................................................Bob
Thanks I will have to check out that one, Has anyone had any fitting problems with that DP, if so I dont want it, been there done that. Bob I will be E-mailing you shortly.
Yes it will work

A lot of guys are running them. Im using the headers with an old TH 3.5 downpipe only because it was in good shape. My buddy has one on his car and it clears eveerything just fine.