3rd Accum. - Servo


New Member
Jul 19, 2001
Is there any value in removing the teflon seal from the steel inner-piston in the servo?? I have heard that this does away with the 2-3 accumulator and makes for a better, more positive 2-3 shift.

It seems to me that this may make the shift too soon and will not allow the band to release completely before clutch apply. Are there seperator plate mods that can get the timing right and still do away with the 2-3 Accum. function?? Thanks.

No One ???

Is the servo / accumulator that much of a mystery??? Some kits remove the steel piston seal and some don't. What is the affect of either way ??

If you want to remove third acc do it. None of this ring off thing. Remove piston and plug hole in servo. If you just romove ring and do not plug hole it will hydraulic the piston and 2 an 3rd will be hurt. Do it right and you will not have a problem. Or ... you can do it that way ,and take apart later to see how it wounds. That is how most of us learned. LOL , seriously do it right.
To Do or Not To Do ????

Is there any advantage to doing this?? Will it make the 2-3 rough ?? If I do this, which hole do I plug, certainly you are not talking about the small bleed hole in the servo piston itself, are you ??? Thanks.

Yes, Yes I am........The small bleed hole in the piston. No 2-3 will never be rough. The only effect is the 3-2 downshift cant get stiff but then you adapt that also.
Servo Cup Plug

I just pulled the Servo cover and servo. My servo has a cup plug in it with a tiny bleed hole. I don't know if the cup plug is stock or not. Would GM have used different sized bleed holes/cup plugs for different applications??? If they did, what would be the affect of a different size bleed hole?? Does bigger mean more rapid accumulation, or slower ?? Just curious, as I think I'll leave the entire servo assembly stock, but was just wondering about the cup plug. Thanks.

the cup plug tells you someone has been there before. It is part of the Gil Younger kit I believe. . they were trying to restrict it...
Ya Bruce as usual is right TransGo uses the orificed cup plugs. But they do work by preventing a bindup on the fiirst 2-3 shift of the day, not a big problem just a slightly annoying one.

Cup Plug Restrictor

What affect does this restriction have on the workings of the 2-3 system, especially in the stock servo configuration???

not much.. it was there to help drainback. I for one do not use anything.