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9/11/01...Where were you?


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Was in Germany, as I was working overseas. Was on TV however my German suck, hard to understand what was happening. It was really a very big deal in Europe, as people over there really love the Americans. Lots of fear and tears. And there was a lot of mad ass folks. That was to me the biggest surprise that those folks felt that strongly About what had happen.
Just bustin balls Chuck no explanation needed.. no one questions your integrity around here, & truly appreciate your military service :cool:
NP! Bustin ballz is one of my specialties!:D
"If ya hand it out, ya gotta take it".
My dad Circa 1950
I was working on a job in a little spec on the map called Round Rock on the Navajo Nation in far N.E. AZ.

Probably the safest place in the country that day. We heard about it when we were grabbing some breakfast at a Mustang gas station. We hauled ass back to Chinle and saw the second plane hit as we walked in the hotel lobby. What a helpless feeling it was that came over me.........
one of those crazy ....things everyone will remember were they were when this travesty happened....interesting for sure....great thread ..keep it going guys .....our history and our lives in remembrance are a healthy thing....shows the innate care of the human species ...and correlation to memory ....good or bad....
great speech and good he was there ...but did nothing for the injustice that happened ....a real man /person.... would have blown the shit of whoever or wherever the Taliban was located as a message ...just like Truman ...did in 1945.....the back bone of the powers at be are weak and only concerned with political ...economic...and personal gain.....true story....sometimes you have to take back and send a message and re establish dominance ....that there is no tolerance for disrespect and attack on US soil period....they let him live too long and should of blown the mountain up and every one around him to send a message ....this is what you have created....innocent people will die for your wrong doings ..keep them in check or you will be checked ....absolute horse shit .....
great speech and good he was there ...but did nothing for the injustice that happened ....a real man /person.... would have blown the shit of whoever or wherever the Taliban was located as a message ...just like Truman ...did in 1945.....the back bone of the powers at be are weak and only concerned with political ...economic...and personal gain.....true story....sometimes you have to take back and send a message and re establish dominance ....that there is no tolerance for disrespect and attack on US soil period....they let him live too long and should of blown the mountain up and every one around him to send a message ....this is what you have created....innocent people will die for your wrong doings ..keep them in check or you will be checked ....absolute horse shit .....

Today, one man can't "blow the mountain up and every one around him to send a message" even if he's the president.

The Dems got in the way of Bush destroying that bunch of bastards at every turn. They were afraid of the reaction of bleeding heart liberals not agreeing that retaliation was a just and necessary action.

They are always SOOOOO helpful when it comes to defending the US and its citizens when it comes to making tough decisions ..... Oh, wait, perhaps NOT.

It's just as they do today with not demanding the lawlessness, looting and rioting stop........ The non response to all of it works in their favor to a certain demographic, or so they "think".

Wait until November, when the pigeons come home to roost.

I know of at least 20 folks who are Trump voters that straight up lie to political poller's and say they will vote for Democrats, just to fuck with them. I'm sure there are so many more. I know I'm one. ;)

Se you crazy kids at the polls!:cool:
HAHA ....just do what's right ...all I can ask for ...sad state of affairs right now I get it .....but I do agree with you....your delivery is sometimes harsh but true....nothing wrong with that ....cheers brudda ...your still my boy blue.... heart is everything and you got it boy....
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HAHA ....just do what's right ...all I can ask for ...sad state of affairs right now I get it .....but I do agree with you....your delivery is sometimes harsh but true....nothing wrong with that ....cheers brudda ...your still my boy blue.... heart is everything and you got it boy....
Really, you know Our boy Trump was a Demo(rat) himself from 2000-2008 even supported Hillary. I guess nobody wants to remember those days
HAHA ....just do what's right ...all I can ask for ...sad state of affairs right now I get it .....but I do agree with you....your delivery is sometimes harsh but true....nothing wrong with that ....cheers brudda ...your still my boy blue.... heart is everything and you got it boy....

I'm an asshole, but I've always owned it.

I'll apologize, or acquiesce when i'm outright wrong, though, you cannot deny that. :)

I never mean to offend, but I do, I know.

Call me sorry........
Really, you know Our boy Trump was a Demo(rat) himself from 2000-2008 even supported Hillary. I guess nobody wants to remember those days

Those days no longer matter.


Just like BLM doesn't rep rioters, looters and losers........ They are just out for social justice, no?

Sometimes opinions change.

The Donald doesn't get the same pass? I feel he's done way more good for this country than the above mentioned thugs.

You're comparison is kinda hypocritical, no?

We get it. You hate Trump. You won't vote for him.


See you at the polls.
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Those days no longer matter.


Just like BLM doesn't rep rioters, looters and losers........ They are just out for social justice, no?

Sometimes opinions change.

The Donald doesn't get the same pass? I feel he's done way more good for this country than the above mentioned thugs.

You're comparison is kinda hypocritical, no?

We get it. You hate Trump. You won't vote for him.


See you at the polls.
Yes I will vote for him, I’m not stupid. BLM only became a thing in recent times,also just like the proud boys. Let’s include all of them, let’s not be hypocritical like seeing the photo of Donald hugging Hillary at her daughter’s wedding. Yes I think Trump is a scum bag to use a NY saying. Lastly if those days no longer matter why does Thump keep bringing up the Clinton’s, Bush, Obama. Lol
Was on vacation that week and putting paneling up in the sun room. For some reason turned the TV on about 10am and that was on.
Always kind of liked this guy but today they would be calling for his head, stank libtards.

Let’s not be hypocritical like seeing the photo of Donald hugging Hillary at her daughter’s wedding. Yes I think Trump is a scum bag to use a NY saying. Lastly if those days no longer matter why does Thump keep bringing up the Clinton’s, Bush, Obama. Lol

A wedding is a blessing, if invited, you act accordingly, no?

Trump keeps bringing them up because of their FAILURES, just as the MSM relentlessly, relentlessly, relentlessly. relentlessly does when they can find just an inkling of stuff on the current president.

The difference, it's been some years since Clinton’s, Bush, & Obama were EVER been beaten upon like this President has been in the present tense, like today, for instance.

So, you want to keep on talking hypocrisy?
Yes I will vote for him, I’m not stupid. BLM only became a thing in recent times,also just like the proud boys. Let’s include all of them, let’s not be hypocritical like seeing the photo of Donald hugging Hillary at her daughter’s wedding. Yes I think Trump is a scum bag to use a NY saying. Lastly if those days no longer matter why does Thump keep bringing up the Clinton’s, Bush, Obama. Lol

But he was a JFK democrat. Lets say they were friends or perhaps more like acquaintances, she was a senator than, so if a ny business tycoon its best to not be on the bad side of a potential adversary or make unnecessary enemies. But think we can agree they are no longer rubbing elbows. How many of us were the bestest of friends with someone and than boom, never again.
Of course that will never ever happen to you, Jerryl, Grass Doctor and I. :love:
But he was a JFK democrat. Lets say they were friends or perhaps more like acquaintances, she was a senator than, so if a ny business tycoon its best to not be on the bad side of a potential adversary or make unnecessary enemies. But think we can agree they are no longer rubbing elbows. How many of us were the bestest of friends with someone and than boom, never again.
Of course that will never ever happen to you, Jerryl, Grass Doctor and I. :love:

Prolly safe to say Ray don't like me so much anymore..... but I still think he's one of the good ones.

I'll still sleep tonight.
Prolly safe to say Ray don't like me so much anymore..... but I still think he's one of the good ones.

I'll still sleep tonight.

Now you know that isn't true. Guys can have a fist fight over nothing and the next day they're drinking a beer under the shade tree.
And everyone knows this song is about you. :)

But he was a JFK democrat. Lets say they were friends or perhaps more like acquaintances, she was a senator than, so if a ny business tycoon its best to not be on the bad side of a potential adversary or make unnecessary enemies. But think we can agree they are no longer rubbing elbows. How many of us were the bestest of friends with someone and than boom, never again.
Of course that will never ever happen to you, Jerryl, Grass Doctor and I. :love:

You da, man.......... ;)
Now you know that isn't true. Guys can have a fist fight over nothing and the next day they're drinking a beer under the shade tree.
And everyone knows this song is about you. :)

I get it.

Who's gonna carry me?

I'm plenty strong in this pissing contest.

Prolly safe to say Ray don't like me so much anymore..... but I still think he's one of the good ones.

I'll still sleep tonight.
OMG, Guy I happen to think you are just fine. I like a straight shooter, need more like that. No I don’t hate Trump, however I do not like that he talks so badly about folks,that my real problem with him. Mostly like his policies. Don’t forget I hear about this shit from folks that are in Washington that have to deal with his shit and they are trying to get reelected. My sister wears my ass out over this. Mostly I dont want to hear it. Now from a personal stand point to say those of us that went to Nam were stupid, from private bone spurs give me a break. I voted for John McCain, and my god how In
the name of whatever, how could anyone talk shit about him after death. Believe me I under stand your frustration with The press , that’s what Nixon always bitch about. I really think Biden is really a good person from what I’ve been told everyone in Congress likely likes him. However I think I would be fore more years of Obama. Maybe the answer is for Trump to win then Fire Pence am day name Biden for VP to bring the country together. Ha LOL.

Sleep well T Guy