9 Year Old Gives Birth???

Not to long ago I found out that there was a record for the youngest grandmother... The girl was a grandmother at 17
According to Ripley's Believe It or Not!—not the most reliable of sources, but lets try to keep an open mind—Mum-Zi, a member of Chief Akkiri's harem on the island of Calabar, Nigeria, became a mother at 8 years and 4 months. Her daughter also delivered a child at age 8, making Mum-Zi a grandmother—at age 17.
It's truely a shame that kids in this world can't just be kids and left alone to enjoy growing up at a normal pace in life and not have some perverted thinking weirdo wanting to have sex with them.
That's true. I have lived in Arkansas for 2 years and I swear to all that is holy, this place is full of inbreds.

Thank the good lord I am moving back to TEXAS this weekend! :D:D:D

You know what they say.............Don't mess with TEXAS

cause pickin on retards ain't funny :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
By no means trying to start a political debate but I think the saddest part of the whole article was where they reported 30% of all abortions are for performed on school kids. Again not advocating pro or anti abortion ideals just the fact that they are so young and having to deal with things adults can't.
