Any locksmiths?


Ruler of the Underworld
May 25, 2001
Hey all,

My dad has taken up a new hobby - safe collecting, specifically, Mosler Safes. Why, I don't know, but he now has 3 of them with a 4th en route this weekend. The problem with this one is that it's closed, locked, and the current owners don't remember the combination. Is there any way to get the combo? Are the old Mosler's combos stored in a log somewhere? Alternately, does anybody know how to open these suckers? I was able to open the last one a the door was open and we removed the back panel and figured out the combo. This one, however, is locked.

Try the 25/50/25/0 or 50/25/50/0. I can check tomorrow on getting one open with a set combo.
The factory will only have a record of the original combination (if any). Some safes come with a factory default combination as suggested above, which is changed when they are sold, so no records exist. In any event, if it's more than a few years old, chances are good the combo has been changed at some time and you're on your own.

If he wants to keep the safe in working condition, his only real option will then be to have a safeman open it by drilling or manipulation.
my best friends is a lock smith, dam bastard has being doing it ever sence high school. He used to do it for fun, then relized having a job is more important then robbing people. So he became a lock smith. But he wont share his secrets. Lock Smiths are werid, they always have a look on their face like they know they can rob you kinda look, freaky!

So anyways I called him and asked, he said there should be a local lock smith willing to do it. He also said that any safe combo can be broken so he isn't worried someone CANT do it, it's just find the right guy. It isn't expensive and also happens alot actually. Call locally see if you can find a place.

good luck
Thanks for the help guys. This safe is a Mosler - the company's out of business. The serial number indicates that it was built in 1912. And it's big. Like 1500+ lbs. big. My dad and I are going to pick it up this weekend with a serious truck.
I work at Diebold, we bought out Mosler. I work on all the vaults and safe for both companies. Most techs will set the combo to "50" for storage. Turn the dial 4 times left then stop on 50. Then turn to the right to see if the gate catches. If not, then a combo is set into the lock. You will never find the combo. I change combos at some sites every month. your best bet then is to drill the safe. Send me a photo and I can give you some insight.