Anyone into serious Weightlifting?


New Member
Jun 9, 2002
Been weightlifting here for roughly4 years on and off and never had much sucess gaining the mass I want.. Or even being able to stick to the weightlifting itself, main reason I guess is getting distracted by work or whatever, that made me not want to go..BUT in the last 6 months, after quitting smoking Ive really gotten back into it, meaning going to the gym 7 days a week, and workouts usually 1hr to 1 1/2 hours long. I eventually want to do competitions and just wondering what type of workouts you serious weightlifters are doing.. When I started out 6 months ago I weighed in at a meager 145, and am now up to 165 solid and have been at 165 now for a couple months without change and I am starting to get frustrated. I will not do steroids, or any other designer drug, I do just protein shakes/carbs and TRY to eat meals every few hours, but am having trouble with that. I do not skimp out on the work outs, and work most all sets till failure. As of now I'm at 5'10" 165lbs and 13% bodyfat (according to the electronic scale) I workout with fairlyheavy weight, till i only push out 1-3 reps. My best workouts now are chest and back..Chest I work out with dumbells only, and go up to 100lbs dumbells for flat bench, and 85's for incline, and 60's for flys. I recently (2 months) changed over to all pullups for Lat exercises and no longer use the cable machines, and for that I work up to a 45 lbs plate for a set of 4, using a belt to strap the plates on..I do, do deadlifts, as of 4 months ago, I warmup with 185, then to 225, 275, 315 for a set of 4 and 320 for a set of 1(max) I figured I would list deadlift because I never see anyone do them at the gym..

Any one else care to share their most effective way to gain lean mass and strength or there dimensions/weight your working out with, and possibly see if I am on the right track.
Are you getting enough rest?? if your muscles don't get enough recovery time then you are just working against yourself...Back when I used to lift (I was never quite as cut as you sound) I hit a wall at 180 pounds flat bench, just couldn't lift anything heavier then that...I found out later that it was because I never gave my muscles enough time to recover and I wasn't eating the right foods...I looked good, felt good, but their wasn't any improvement...My personnal opinion is that you should cut back to like 5 days a week and you should definitely mix up your workouts, by changing how long you work, go from light one week to heavy the next...or change it by months, whatever you feel comfortable with just as long as you mix it up...your body gets used to what you are doing and the work you do does less for you, did that make sense??
Oh yeah cut back on the 7 days a week Hercules.. & cut any arobic work down also.

My Cousin has done power lifting competitions since 13/14
he is now 46.

When he needed to bulk up (you will think this is crazy) he would eat gallons & gallons of ice cream..
He would gain 20 or 30 lbs. then go into intense training with weights & eat all protein stopping all sugars & starches.

His weight swings could go 195 to 235 That is wild!

Good 1 MARK
Well, I guess it depends on your meaning of "serious"! I have lifted off and on for several years, usually having to stop due to injuries (self-induced). At my personal "peak" and all natural I weighed in at about 165 (up from 141.5 at my start), had a 30.5" waist, 48" chest, 16.5" arms and at 5'6" tall, was pretty happy with my gains (yes... far from a "monster!"). My max bench set was about 205 lbs for 8 times (my weakest area), curls 120 or so. Can't do squats or dead lifts due to back trouble, so can't give you any data there.

I had good success with Creatine, which is an over-the-counter dietary supplement. You get Creatine naturally in your diet, but this is taken in larger doses (get the gel-caps, as the powder tastes like crap!). Many studies (and my Physician, who is a former power lifter) agree that it is safe when used correctly and drink plenty of water during it's use. From what I have read (and hopefully remember), Creatine is a precursor to ATP which is what fuels the cells. It also helps the cells "retain" more water which helps in protein synthesis. It is only beneficial for short bursts of energy, not for longer periods of exertion like running. Using this, and the workout described below, I went from 141.5 lbs. to 159 in about 3 months when I first started.

As for your workout regimen, I'd like to suggest that you are overdoing it for what your goals are. Sounds like you you are doing well for fat burning and endurance, but to gain muscle mass your days off are as important as your days on! It sounds counter productive, but when you lift you literally tear down your muscles and they need time to build back up. Even if you do a seperate muscle group each day, you still tax your body systemically and it needs recuperation time. Also, believe it or not, the single most effective rep is that last one that really strains that muscle group to it's fullest. It isn't necessary to do tons of multiple sets for every muscle group. It really doesn't take much to trigger the adaptation response that will make the muscle grow back stronger as it "needs" to to do the work you are asking of it.

This isn't necessarily for everyone, and if it sounds familiar, it's because I kind of based it off Mike Mentzer's "Heavy Duty" philosophies. When I work out it's three days a week: arms/shoulders on Mon., legs/abs Wed., and chest/back on Friday. One exercise per muscle group, two warmup sets of 10 (50% then 60% of my max set) and one max rep set of 6-8 reps. When I can do 10 reps on my max set, I move up 5 lbs. next time. I never do the same workout twice in a row. Yesterday I did triceps first, so next week it will be biceps first. This week it was barbell curls, next week it will be dumbell curls... see what I'm getting at? Mix it up, reverse it, keep it interesting, but get REST! If you must go to the gym 7 days a week, do some cardio on the "off" days.

Mentzer kind of suggested that body builders don't have a "peak"... they just need to know what and when to change to get around it. Vary your days of rest (if you know you can't get to the Gym on Wed., wait till Thurs. rather than back to back on Mon.-Tues.). Throw in a max set of only negatives but at higher weights every now and then.

At any rate, this has seemed to benefit me as "back in the day" I subscribed to the "workout all the time/three sets of ten" idea and never weighed even 150 lbs!

Good luck!
You are MAJORLY overworking your self.
If you want Mass there is only one way, torcher the muscle, then feed it correctly while it REST. You build muscle while you are resting, not while you are working out. SO, you need to go to the gym LESS and work out LESS but with heavier more intense weight.

Each body group should only be worked out once a week (with the exception of Abs & calves).
Each work out should be no longer than 45 minutes, 1 hour MAX (INTENSE, no chit chat). Drink Lots of water always, 24 hours a day.
group the muscles for the work out, this way, you can maximize your work out days and minimize period stress.
For example
Day 1: LEGS (squats, sled, calves, ham curles) & Abs...if you can walk out comfotably, you aren't intense enough.
Day 2: Back & Bicep (Curls 3 types, rows 3 types, lat exercises)
Day 4: Chest & Tricep (presses 3 types, dips, pulls etc.) & abs
Day 5: Shoulders & abs (lifts etc..)
Day 6&7 rest rest rest
Eat Eat Eat.
Mix up your exercises.
All Reps should be SLOW Negative AND positive movement...try to move NO other body part other than the one being worked out...NO CHEATING. Wanna see how much you cheat? Grab a couple of dumbbells with the weight you use for curls. Go stand with your heels and back flat against a wall, try to curl it (you can't....we all cheat)
For small muscle groups, do 6-8 reps, 3 sets...if you can do that many, step up the weight.
For Large muscle groups, 4-6 reps if you can do that many, step up the weight.
Once every 4 - 6 weeks, kill the muscle (go to failure), once every 12 weeks take a week break. MAKE YOUR SELF TAKE A BREAK... it will help immensely


I have a feeling you're working out to much to long...back off, it'll happen.

When I was heavy into it, I was 220 @ 12% body fat (6ft tall)
Bench 330 (WO)
squat 650 (WO)
sled 1000 lbs
I changed my exercise constantly....

Now I'm just a soft ex weight lifter
Originally posted by BuickGn Boosted
12 oz curls only! Killian's Irish Red Lager:D Sorry, couldn't resist!:)

Figures someone would beat me to it:D

I can only afford lots of reps of the Light stuff:D :D
I do some serious lifting everytime I get my fat ass out of my chair during the day. Does that count? Just wondering
When i lifted in high school we had a work-out routine based on a chart they had posted in the room. For example: if you wanted to max out at 150 you had to do 3 sets of 10 of 135. I wish I had made copies of that chart. I gained 15 lbs in my last year of school( first year of lifting ). This was only lifting 2-3 times a week max. The best thing I can say to do is ask your fitness instructor at your local gym if they have work-out plans.
I hear a lot of good advice but you need to find out which one of these methods works best for you. They all will work. I tried going 1-2 times a week but 5 times a week I felt my stongest. Skipping 2 days between groups and lifting out to failure. When I work out I combine circuit training also. None of that 1 set take a break **** but 1 set and a max of 30 seconds rest put me at my strongest. You have to have cardio to put the big weight up. I could max out the sled machine(inverted squat) and my legs would not fail. If you have a solid squat you should be able to train to lift any thing. I stopped gaining weight also but I was keep getting stonger, so I did'nt care. Always have realistic goals that YOU want to achive and this will give you something to work for. I also found out that working out at the same time everytime gave my muscles a little boost. Working out when stressed or pissed off always help me achieve new goals. :D
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
I do some serious lifting everytime I get my fat ass out of my chair during the day. Does that count? Just wondering
Now thats some funny Shiznitz..
Back in my youth we really pushed the envelope by curling quart bottles of Schlitz. Now that was a real workout.:D
<<Working out when stressed or pissed off always help me achieve new goals. >>

Did I mention that I really got back into lifting in '97... when I was going through a divorce! GREAT stress relief!

Forgot to mention: if you don't already, chart every workout to track progress. Set goals. Eat right (skip McDonald's, or you'll look like I do now!).

As stated, you'll have to find which discipline works for you, but it really sounds like you are overdoing it at this time. They say, "If you want to look like a runner, work out like a runner!" If working out a LOT and ALL THE TIME was the way to go, long distance runners would all have huge Tom Platz thighs and calves!
Ive been Weight lifting for about 6 years steady and i dont claim to know it all but i think your not giving your self enough of a rest 7days on with no break is alot especially if your not doing natural. Your muscles grow between workouts not during , If you want more mass its going to be very hard to do with a very lean body meaning you are going to put on some fat in order to get bigger , it takes body weight to push weight . id add flat bench with a bar to bulk up your chest and a staight bar for arm curls Dont overdo it less may be more , and eat alot . I was leaner and more ripped a few years back @175 and 6ft but now im 205 maybe not as lean but bigger and stronger now . I had good results with Creatine 3 years ago when i tried it , My max bench was 260 , but that was never my forte , everyones body is different . Id mix it up what exercises you do , same exercises same results . :p P.S ive done alot of the 12oz curls to and they dont help at all . I just seen what Zam posted good advice , you were pretty jacked there Zam huh .:p
Alot of good info, thanks guys. Cept' for you beer drinkers:cool: Ive always had a tough time gaining weight, and as of late ive really been trying to eat alot of food, but unsure of what types I should be eating. As for my 7 day workout, I do need to cut it back, it is just that I feel guilty? when I take a day off. As of now my workout is split up like this. Day1: Chest/Shoulders Day2: Legs/Forearms Day3:Bicep/Tricep Day4: Back... And I have been doing this routine for roughly 3 months..It seems it is time for a change, aswell as how I do my daily exercise, ie: flat,incline,flys week1 and week2 do incline,flys,flat for chest...Which is something I havnt been doing. As far as form, I am doing pretty good, I will have to give the bicep curls aginst a wall a try, as Zam suggested. The deadlifts have helped emmensly keeping my form for biceps. My real weak point at this time seems to be my squat.. By my 4th set I am having trouble pushing out a set of 5 of 225... All other leg workouts I seem to be doing ok, presses I do up for 600 for sets and 50lbs dumbells for lunges. Maybe it's just lowsy form on my squats?
Definite agreement on the rest. Everytime you lift you tear the muscle. It needs to rest in order to repair (good diet helps) and then it comes back stronger. I'm going on 48 and still lifting strong. I lift each major muscle group no more than two times per week. I do a four day a week workout and maintaining what I did in my twenties. My workout was a little more geared for football not body building. But we were trying to put on mass and ad strength. Someone earlier said to mix it up. Don't let you muscles get used to things. I do a percentage workout from the University of Nebraska. Find your max (such as 340 bench) 1st week do 3 sets of 10. 1st set at 60% (204#) 2nd set at 70% (240) and the 3rd at 80% (275). The 2nd week you do four sets of 8. 1st at 60%,2nd--70%, 3rd--80%, 4th--85%. Third week: 5 sets of 6 reps, 1--60%, 2--70, 3--80, 4--85%, 5th set--90%. Next week or two: 1--10 reps at 50%, 2--8 reps at 60%, 3--6 reps at 70%, 4--4 reps at 80%, 5--3 reps at 85%, 6--2 reps at 90%. Then try for new max for a rep or two. Then rest a few days or a week and start the cycle over with your new max. DO NOT ALWAYS MAX OUT. Your muscles need to repair. Eat a diet of about 60% complex carbs, 20% fat, %20 protein. (I go lower on the fat).
Hope that helps.
PS. I've done a lot better health wise and marraige wise since I quit doing the 12 ounce curls.
Simple answer.

4 days on 1 day off. Muscles grow when the micro tears that ocurred from lifting get a chance to heal. This happens on the day off. Your routines sound ok.

To get big and it feels like you can't eat much more, drink a gallon of skim milk per day, pure protein, no fat, lots of calories. This was what put me over the hump many years ago when I was lifting. This will alos guarantee that you do not get dehydrated.

Good luck
i lifted by myself in my basement for years but in 1995 i stated going to a regular gym- on monday i bench - 135x10 2 sets- 225 for 10 two sets- 255 x10 2sets -- 275 for 6 -- 315 x3 -- i then go onto to declines barbell flys and cable flys------- tues -off ---- wed --i squat - 135 x 10- 2 sets-- 225 x10--2 sets -- 315 x10 -1 set 375x5 1 set - 405 x1 -1 set (going easy on my back for awhile)- friday - i work arms biceps and triceps -- various barbells and machine exercises-- saturday -- deadlift --135x10 -- 225 x10-- 325x5 -- 415 x1 -- 465 x1 -- taking it easy on back right now - i usually go up to 500 x1 one set

i am 5'9 206 61 years old - when i go in a meet i always go in at 198---last meet i benched 350 with a sore shoulder - deadlift of 510 - squat 450 (this without any suits or bench shirts or knee wraps----- i love lifting and it is a major part of my life --
Any one else care to share their most effective way to gain lean mass and strength or there dimensions/weight your working out with, and possibly see if I am on the right track.

Different people respond to different things its all about genetic pre-disposition, some just have more fast twitch muscle fibers and some more slow twitch. When working with weights its no different some get stronger others get quicker still some get big and others huge. I used to be into lifting hardcore. I've also been into athletics all my life, wrestling, baseball, boxing, college football, softball, golf(is that a sport?? :) )you name it. At one time I could press to impress:D People tend not to want to work out in the same room with you if your stacking on 45's like cord wood I nailed 495lbs once and thought my pec's were going to explode taking my sternum with them, ever seen "Alien?" Lol. Right now I'm at my heaviest 306lbs and man I feel it, but hey I tell my son if you can bench your weight 8 reps your ok(he's 14 5'8 @ 172lbs, benches almost 200lbs(195lbs with me sneaking on the 2.5's) and runs the forty in 4.8 he's getting there, nut don't fall far from the tree) ...... <whew> yep I'm getting old, six and a half reps @ 315lbs I'm out. In fact earlier this eve my wife told me she was evicting my weights and racks out to the back porch since its been so long since I lifted more than two consecutive days... did I say getting old sucks (I'm 35) I'll be in pain tomorrow. Anyway, I think Zam70 pretty much hit it on the head. Try it and see if it works for you, its a good plan that works for me. The only thing I'd like to impress upon you, would be to drink water like you never have before seriously it keeps the by products of muscle building(lactic acid) moving thru and after awhile you'll notice you don't stay sore quite as long and after the headaches of Pop withdrawl subside, you'll feel stronger (oh wait that pop thing is for me). Supplements help but not much you'll excrete most of them since you body only uses what it needs in the first place. Lastly DON"T smoke or be around it, you need all the oxygen you can get into your blood and all the carbon dioxide you can get out, cig smoke slows aerobic respiration.